Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Friday, December 23, 2011

sleigh bells ring...

Happy Birthday to my Dad today...
89 never looked so good...

Sunday, December 11, 2011

a few of my favorite things....

I have posted a few of my favorite things from my Salzburg Echoes collection on my etsy site.
lions share
sitting room
mozarts room
open wide
seahorse guardian

Sunday, December 04, 2011

artists tell all...

If you have never been to The Altered Page's really time you went. If you dig can learn and read so much from Seth Apters pool of artists who spill the beans whenever he summons them. Why...because his blog rocks...and...artists are an unruly bunch...AND if that wasn't enough...soon...Seth's book will be available... It's called "The Pulse of Mixed Media: Secrets and Passions of 100 Artists Revealed" and I'm one of those artists revealing secret and passionate stuff.
Thanks Seth for the oppourtunity and giving artists the chance to share. 

Today on Seth's fabulous Altered Page blog I will tell you about my the one favorite tool I could not live without... Check it out

And here is the link to pre-order Seth's new book.

Friday, December 02, 2011

art is not just for hanging on the wall...

 I thought I would post a few pics from my 'Regalia" event that was at the end of November.

 A great turnout and lots of fun...

It's exciting to see this dream come alive...
 My clothing site is now online.
I'd love you to visit it here...

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

regalia...fine, fancy finery

This is where I will be this weekend...having a little winters celebration with my art.wear.
Drop by for a sip of wine or hot apple cider if you're in town.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

a theory that's colorful...

My article on my Color Theory art appears in the newest edition of
Somerset Studios Magazine...November/December 2011.
The whole collection is here...

Monday, October 31, 2011

can you guess?

Can you guess who we dressed up as for this Halloween party?

Be safe and have a Happy Halloween....

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

sky's the limit...

on a quick trip to vegas...i saw an amazing changing sky...