Let me share with you...my spirit of Christmas...
Every year as I unwrap these ornaments and place them on the tree, I begin to reflect on memories of days gone by.
I started collecting
Gladys Boylt ornaments back in the 70's...so I was thrilled to see they were online and still available through the
Gazebo...a quilting shop located in NYC. There used to be a Gazebo in Beverly Hills, and once they closed I lost track of where to buy these magnificent collectible dolls. As I hung these ornaments this year I decided to track down the artist and see if she had a website. I found her works of art are available all year long...and the collections have grown so over the years.
I just love the details...each face is drawn by hand and signed by Ms. Boylt. The clothing is meticulously made, why Mrs. Cratchit sports 3 layers of petticoats beneath her skirt. They remind me of the way Barbie doll clothes used to be made. The perfect tiny buttons, the detailed stitching...you know what I mean...those original Barbie clothes were a marvel...and so are these.
Even after over 30 years...my ornaments look as perfect as when I first purchased them. My collection still holds that magic for me for I chose each ornament as a reminder from that year...
Like the year we made The Nutcracker home movie with the kids...Becca was Clara and Jesse was the Nutcracker...or our Disneyland Vacation on the big bus...or the year we made a home movie called "The Christmas Carol"...now when I unwrap these ornaments those memories come flooding back...little nuggets of the hidden treasures that have made up my life..
I thought I would share with you my collection...because for me...they hold the joy of the season...things that put a smile on your face...no matter how young or how old you may be.
Original Santa with Tree...though over the years he has given up smoking and lost his pipe...

Glenda the Good Witch in the original outfit? Or perhaps this is another fairy. I could not find her exactly like this on the Gazebo site.

The Nutcracker

The Herald Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland - look at that collar...

Tinkerbell flies in with attitude...

Tiger Lily - details...details...This one was bought when Becca was in 4th grade and studying Native American History...

Peter Pan -(looks like Bill Mumy)...is Peter his alter ego?

Mrs. Cratchit...always have plum pudding on Christmas day...Little known fact...I played Mrs. Cratchit in The Christmas Carol...

Humpty Dumpty From Alice in Wonderland...Little Jesse the new baby in town...

Clara from the Nutcracker

Captain Hook...dressed to the nines

It's Christmas Eve...and I'm excited...
Last day to enter the Pasticcio Quartz Contest...I will be choosing the winner tomorrow after Santa's visit...Good Luck...
Winter is the season in which people try to keep the house as warm
as it was in the summer, when they complained about the heat.
~Author Unknown