I found this picture above of my kids from a Halloween many years ago. I still cannot resist the fall colors. Even my daughter caught the All Hallows Eve spirit when she came to the house with a couple of pumpkins for us to carve. It's nice to know you are never too old to enjoy the things that hail in a new season and it brought back memories of when we were putting together the kids costumes for Halloween night and carving jack o lanterns for the doorstep. Becca's not wearing a costume this year, but she did paint her toe nails black.
I pulled out these scary ghouls when going through my Halloween Boxes...I don't know the name of the artist who made them but I have had them for many years. They have tons of personality and always make me smile. I need to make a new mask for the devil guy in red...over the years it's fallen apart and vanished. What could I make it out of? Polymar Clay? Papier Mache? Hmmm...any ideas anyone? I'll put that on my list of things to do...


More good news, Stampington & Company has produced The Unruly Girls Club Clearly Impressed rubber stamps...Having stamps made of my precocious group of ladies is fantastic. I hope everyone enjoys using them.

You can check out all four pages of the article by clicking here...

Now I'm not one of those dog owners who dresses up their dog and carries them in their purse or anything, but I could not resist putting this pumpkin outfit on Peyton just for a quick pic. Ok it's silly...but it made you smile didn't it?
And that is what we need to do more of...