Sunday, October 25, 2009

Children Are People...

I'm not sure I mentioned it or not but I have been trying to clean out some trunks and stuff I haven't looked at in years. Well I have come across a plethora of stuff, photos, clippings, articles. Items I haven't seen in years ...some of these photos I don't ever remember seeing (my Mom saved everything...hmmm that's where I get that from...). Oh the memories... So I thought I would post some of them on my blog, bit by bit as I uncover these things. Some of these pictures have never been seen before. Some of them are from my childhood and many are from my modeling years... What should I call these postings? I think I want to give it the same title every time I am going to post one of these finds. Any ideas? Angela's Attic? The Treasure Chest? Flashback? Write me your ideas...I want something clever... and I find the time...I will scan them and post them so you can see them too.
So I am starting with this one...mainly because it seemed seasonally appropriate...
The cover of the Los Angeles Examiner TV Weekly with an article about the 2nd Chevrolet Special I did (replacing the Dinah Shore Hour). The show consisted only of kids...and it was called "Children Are People". The first special was called "Ghosts, Goblins and Kids". Rusty Hamer (pictured on the cover) was not in the specials...but he played my brother on the "Danny Thomas Show." How challenging it must have been to produce and direct 300 youngsters in this special. I remember parts of it like it was yesterday.

Speaking of challenges...this will be such a challenge for me, being the time of year it is and all I have on my plate right now...but I cannot resist... it is such a cool idea and I love a good challenge. The deadline is November 1st so you gotta hurry... but anyone can do it if you can make art.
Come on...join know you want to...
The Art House Coop Sketchbook Project...

Happy Halloween...hope it's scary....


Lisa said...

I love seeing these. I will probably fall asleep tonight trying to think of a name. lol Reel memories...hmmm guess I better think a bit harder.

Tiglizzyclone said...

The sketchbook project sounds so cool! Thanks for sharing with us.

Also, the clippings that your mom saved are great! I look forward to seeing more from your world. Thank you to you and your mom for saving these!

ooglebloops said...

Make Room for Daddy was one of my favorite shows when I was a kid. Had a child crush on Danny Thomas!!!!LOL
What ever happened to Rusty Hamer?
I like the name "Angela's Attic"- look forward to seeing more of your memories!!!

Peggi Meyer Graminski said...

Hi Angela! What a wonderful post =) Make Room for Daddy was probably my first ever fav TV show (I think I was hooked by age 4 lol). I loved it and I always loved the pretty dresses you wore. I was thinking "Shadow Box: Glimpses of Yesteryear" or something like that might be good for your "memory posts". Thank you again for sharing them =)

Narelle said...

What a precious find! How about 'From the Treasure Chest' as a name for these special glimpses? luv, health & happiness 2u!

James said...

Hi Ms Cartwright, "make art", But, I DO have a few suggestions on a name. How bout these: 1. "Aging With Angie" or 2. "Angel Dust" or 3. Angela's Archaeology....Feel free to use any or all.....

Pam Mc. said...

Very sweet. Is this the show where you sang that song "I enjoy being a girl"? I think you posted that at some point. Since we are both about the same age I know I didn't see many of the shows you were in since I'd be in bed . :) Of course grew up with Sound of Music.

How about calling your treasures something like "Angela's Memories", "The Musings of Angela, "Make Room for Angela" or "The Sound of Angela" (ok the last two a bit too much). I've always loved the word "murmur" I'd suggest looking for words that make you feel good to say and use that.

Pam (enjoying your blog and art)

Gerushia's New World said...

Hi Angela:

You know, I hemmed and hawed over a name for your postings, but when it really comes down to it, I think you already "hit the nail on the head". Angela's's perfect. It's you, it's your old stuff, and it's been packed away. Simple and self-explanatory. I love it!

Gerushia's New World

Gerushia's New World said...

Angela, I forgot to mention this in my previous comment. I remember the "Los Angeles Examiner" magazine. When I grew up in and around Downey, we got the same magazine in our Sunday "Herald Examiner".


Diana said...

How fun to uncover so many memories, Angela. You have had a very exciting life. I remember you in Lost In Space. I loved that show as a child. Thank you for the gift of your wonderful Pasticcio Quartz Magazine as part of the Art Exchange. It is a beautiful publication!

TotalD said...

Angela's Mémoires Antiques ? A little french there . The Sketchbook Project looks fascinating. I love the little software trick where you can turn the virtual pages is awesome. Happy Halloween .

Gabriella said...


I really enjoy reading your blog. It’s all so very tastefully done! For your memory posts, how about using a title that’s a play on "Lost in Space." You could use something like "Lost in Time," "Lost in Place," "Found in Place," "Found in Space" or "Found in Time"? I could go on and on. You get the idea!

gail said...

Hi! This will be fun seeing these photos from the past. What wonderful memories from your childhood. I feel like I grew up with you. lol How about Angelas Hidden Treasures?
Happy creating,, gail

Beatrice, Bea, Bibi--That's me! said...

I like Angela's Amazing Archives. I just love looking at pictures. Thank goodness your mom saved everything! Thank you for sharing with us!

Anonymous said...

I think "Done & Dusted" would be a good title ?

Wburgcanchaser said...

I vote 'Angela's Attic'. It's classic, easy to remember, to the pt. and has a nice ring.

Thanks for sharing your findings. Looking forward to seeing.


~jolene said...

I love when you share these finds. They trigger so many more memories for me (a child of the 50s). Thank you!
The blog post title that came to me while reading was: RetroInspection.

~jolene said...

Oh! One more idea...since you are digging through your trunks, etc., how about simply: Can You Dig It? :)

JRG said...

How about "Lost Angela's"

Joyce said...

Angela's Attic sounds like you. It has a vintage cherished memories feel to it.

margo said...

How about Heavenly Days? Didn't Dr. Smith use to say that? Or was that "good heavens"? lol. I like the other ideas posted here too.

Wanda said...

I have no sugesstions as the titles for your "past in review", but will watch to see if I remember any of it, as I was a fan of all your series, especially "Lost in Space". Have a great day. TTFN.

margo said...

I forgot a word in my title suggestion: My Heavenly Days.

I forgot My. lol.

li-ling said...

It think "Angela's attic" is a perfect name! Its got that unique touch while invoking that warm sense of coziness at the same time. Love to see more of your updates soon! :)

Anonymous said...

amazing. absolutly amazing. <3

Twyla and Lindsey said...

As a little girl at the time, I loved watching you in everything you were in. My mom would tell me what show you were going to be on and I loved watching you. I greatly admire you now that you are an artist, too! Twyla

Anonymous said...

(I tried to add this to your web site comments section, but got the dreaded 404)

I feel like I have a sort of "six degrees" thing with you. My father and cousin were television comedy writing partners in the 1950s, and their career was launched when they wrote a five-minute routine for... yup, Danny Thomas.

You had the most amazing career and got to work with so many of the greats. What stories you must have! Would love to read some of them and see more pictures.

Anyway, just a wave from a fan, and by the way, I like "Angela's Archives" as well. :-) -- Erica

Lewis Chaney said...

Here are some things I came up with for a title:

"Angela's Lost Art"
"Angela's Cart"
"Cart Writes"
"Angela's Cedar Chest"
"Lost and Sound"

Rich White said...

ooglebloops said...
What ever happened to Rusty Hamer?

My cousin, Rusty (we share a mutual great-grandfather), sadly is no longer with us. The later years of his life were very troubled, and he took his own life in January of 1990. He was 43 years old.