Rain...rain...rain...Southern California snow... the tree needs to get finished...where did I store the silverware for the Christmas Party..I've got presents to wrap...the holi - daze is upon me...
If you go to my comment box and put your blog address and put a link to my blog on yours...I'll enter you in a drawing for the latest issue of PASTICCIO QUARTZ... That's Issue #5 - The Holiday Issue ...completely free....! I'll put all your names in a hat...and draw a winner on Christmas Day!In the spirit of the holiday season I have decided to have a drawing for a free Pasticcio Quartz!
Now if you don't have a blog or website you can still enter...just put your email address and I'll still put your name in the hat!
Has anyone tried those caramels from Trader Joes that are drenched in Belgian chocolate and sprinkled with rock salt?
just wondering...
I wanted to turn you on to these wonderful miniature chairs my pal Connie makes. She made 3 special orders for me, for my Mah Jongg ladies. They loved them...what's not to love...they are precious little treasures that make you look and say...how adorable. Connie takes special orders too and will make a custom chair just for you...

Gotta go...

I'd love to win a copy of Pasticcio Quartz, especially the holiday edition.
Just returned to the library the wonderful "house" book you and Sarah Fishburn did. I scanned the pages in the back of the book and can't wait to try making my own.
Love ya,
I'm the first entry! Bummer... #1 never wins! maybe I should come back later! LOL! Anyway, I'd love to be in your drawing and will go to my blog now to link you. And the chairs are wonderful!
Your so cute there next to Santa! And hey it's raining here too (in Napa). Really pouring! Also, those are nice miniature chairs by Connie. I put both of your blogs on the "new" blogs I follow list. About time! Angela, I want to thank you for inspiring me to start my own blog.
Oh, goodie...I'm first! I'm in. http://somethingsublime.typepad.com
Merry Christmas!
Oh, what a lucky little girl you were to ride Santa's sleigh! That musta been enchanting.
I have a blog and a website so please pick one to put in the hat. Thanks:
Those caramels sound delish. I haven't tried them. But I'm curious now. lol.
The little chairs are adorable.
Lots of rain here too. I'm curious about your photography. Do you offer any workshops on handpainting pictures?
I just got the funniest email on how parents have forced their poor kids to see Santa. Glad to see you weren't one of those unfortunate children. The pictures were hilarious though, mainly of Santa's reactions.
I don't have a blog, so here is my email:
Thanks for the opportunity to win 'Pasticcio'.
Merry Christmas!
Thank you for this giveaway.
Merry Christmas!
Oh do enter me in your Pistachio Quartz give-away--yes m'am! I have you on my blog sidebar as one of my fave places to visit!~~~Those "Peter Pan" bangs on your wee little head are adorable. No snow yet here in the DC area, but it's dang cold outside!~~~Happy Holidays!~~~XXOO, Beth
Oh yes! You are on my blog! You rock:
I already posted a comment (the first one), but hadn't yet posted to my blog with a link.
Here it is:
have a great holiday Angela . I hope i win !!!!
Robin Krieger
I already have Pasticcio #5 so the lucky one who wins is in for quite a treat! We have been getting storm after storm lately. This weekend should be delivering about 18" inches of snow! I would love to link your blog with mone but can't quite figure it out. I'm hopelessly PC challenged. Got any tips?
Hi Ms Cartwright, I too would love to enter your contest(jegerman12@yahoo.com)Since so many have been the "first" one to enter I guess I will be the first one also. I loved your pic with St. Nick. Merry Christmas to some, Happy Hanukkah to others, Peace and love to all.
I feel a little strange writing to you. I have been enjoying your updates on your website for many years now, so it is about time I said thank your for your time and energy in sharing interesting and inspiring tidbits of your life. You have inspired me to return to my first love--black and white photography. I too began shoting and printing black and white at an early age. At the age of twelve, my father gave me a Yashika 12 twin reflex camera for Christmas and set me loose. I would love to be entered in your drawing for a copy of Pasticcio.
Thank you,
Hi Angela!
I would absolutely love to win a copy of Pasticcio Quartz =) I've had a link to your wonderful blog on my blog for a long time - it's one of my favorite places =) My blog is at http://desertphotography.blogspot.com
Thanks for holding such a wonderful drawing, and for sharing your artwork & talent with us all...Merry Christmas to you and yours...Hugs, Peggi
OMG, I'd love to win ANY copy of Pistachio Quartz. I have several of your books/publications. LOVE them all. Plus, my husband made me show him your website when he looked thru one of my books. He said he had a crush on you "way back when", as I'm sure many did. Beauty AND Talent. THANKS, ANGELA.
my address is juanita@lookie-lookie.com. I just started my blog http://lookie-lookies.blogspot.com/, I already had your link there! Juanita Bitonti XOXO
You were so adorable! Do you remember that evening with Santa, or was it a bit of a blur? Love the chairs!
no blog yet. and oh i wish the nearest TJs was closer than 200 miles away. with 2 feet of recent snow now drifting in 35 mph wind i won't get there before the holidays. but i know how good the chocolates are. every time i get there half my cart is chocolates and sweets. ziajaymeeatyahoodotcom
Angela As Always...
You provide to us such
Beautiful Artwork!
Happy Holidaze & Happy 2009 to you and yours!
Please enter me in the drawing.
Best Regards As Always,
Oh, yes! Count me in! I love your blog. You're the reason I asked Santa for a new camera!
Here's my blog:
OOoh oooh, I'm glad I found this before it was too late. Yes, sign me up. I've written up a post about your drawing with links to this post. It is here: http://dreamwiththefishes.blogspot.com/2008/12/giveaway-angela-cartwrights-pasticcio.html.
LOVE your work!! Mmmmm, those Trader Joe's caramels sound dreamy! Gotta try me some.
A very happy holiday to you!
Serena Pia
How wonderful it would be to win
the holiday issue of Pasticcio.
I have your first issue but haven't been able to afford the
following issues.
Jan C
Thanks for the chance to win Pasticcio Quartz. I've added you to my blog under 'Inspiration'. Those chairs are gorgeous!
Freebees ! My site!
Carmel , are you kidding ? I am struggling with chocolate addiction as it is. I'm up in Simi Valley and my friend Natasha plunks down this giant bar of chocolate (dark Belgian , like a 2 pd bar ) and says "Merry Christmas ". I spend the night trying to explain that it would not last the night if I took it home. I am so bad.
I'm off to Hamilton Ont CA to visit my sisters but I will check back to see who won. It's not winning thats important . . . . . it's free stuff ! And of course I get to raid everyones blog who posts here. I'm such a vampire.
*=@ DOT=.
And the three chair pic should make a neat wallpaper for my laptop. And you know what Angela , coming to your blog feels like this little puff of cool fresh air blows across my face. Very pleasant.
I'd love to win! Pick me!
I've been linking to your blog for quite sometime. I love it. I also love your artwork too! Enjoy the wet California holiday!
Vivian Love
HI Angela,
You are soooooo creative. I love it! Last week I just bought a book called "artist trading card workshop". I looked in the back and saw your name. I used to watch Lost in Space all the time. Let's trade cards some time. What fun it will be to win your copy of Pasticcio Quartz. God Bless You and have a wonderful, peaceful, and happy holi-daze season.
Sophia Reichert
I ordered your Soul Dwellings callendar from Cafe Press and was told they were not available. Will they be available elsewhwere? Last years callendar was gorgeous.
Would LOVE an issue of Pasticcio Quartz! Please include me in your drawing. :)
Hi AC,
I would like to enter into your contest. Thanks and have a Merry Christmas!
ooohhh Miz Angie please put my name in the hat!! I've heard wonderful things about this zine.
Merry Christmas!
Hi Angela, I am a regular visitor to your blog. I love how you sprinkle in photos from your childhood. Please toss my name in the hat. My e-mail address is
Thanks and Merry Christmas!
I am looking forward to picking someone as the winner of Pasticcio Quartz...
Joyce: My calendar IS available. Please clean out your cache on your computer and try again...
If you still have trouble please let me know and I will try to get one for you.
I am very happy with the way the 2009 calendar printed and don't understand why you could not order it.
I would love to win a copy..looks so interesting. I enjoyed reading your blog and seeing your pictures. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas! Here's my entry :)
Merry Christmas - here's my blog entry:
Absolutely love the Herald Rabbit doll - he is too precious.
Hope I'm not too late!
Hello. And Bye.
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