Speaking of Lost In Space...Last week Kevin Burns threw a birthday remembrance with the Lost In Space group to celebrate the birthday of the late Gertrude Harris, Jonathan Harris' wife. A year before we had all celebrated her special day with a lovely dinner, and we decided to remember her on her actual birthday this year...same time, same place. I will miss her lovely, vibrant personality, she was a doll.
Here's Kevin Burns with Bill Mumy, his son Seth and his daughter Liliana.

And here is Gertrude with Kevin Burns at her Birthday Party in 2006.
I realized I had promised ages ago that I would blog my freshly painted dining room once it was finished.

I used Modern Masters 'Champagne' paint on the walls. This paint is infused with real minerals which reflects light in the most amazing way. During the day this room it's one color, but a mystical look takes over this room at night and by candlelight it is very flattering.

The floor is a multi colored slate, framed with tiles made from a series of photographs of flowers from my 'Picture Poetry' collection.

This large painting in my dining room is by artist Nila Barja...I just love the colors.

What a great post, & what a pleasure to be invited into your home. The tiles! What a fabulous idea! And I love the color & the way it changes.
I agree completely. What a lovely post. Looking forward to seeing you on the show. I , like many others, feel as if we grew up together. You are a beautiful person.
MS Cartwright, Thank you for the nice visit . My only regret was I could not have stayed longer. Maybe next time we could even have tea. >PEACE
Your dining room looks great! Thanks for sharing the pictures!
Can't wait to see you on the show. You have a lovely house.
Hey Angela...I'd like to see your unruly interview. Love your necklace (of course!). Your champagne paint and rose tiles are beautiful. Your home looks like a cozy and creative place!
Your home beautifully reflects who YOU are.
How nice of you to invite us in!
Hi Angela! I´m watching the Lost in Space episodes by the moment . They bring me a lot of remembrances from my childhood. I used never to lose The Lost!. My favorite character?...Dr Smith!.
What a lovely house! Thanks for posting the photos.
Thank goodness Coco Cellini is OK. I can now sleep in peace...
Hi Angela, I love the pictures of your home. The tile floor is beautiful and so unique.You are so talented and creative.I picked up your new book yesterday and just love it.I'm going to show it to my friend who is a watercolor artist.Thanks for sharing your world with us.
I love your dining room. It has an old-fashioned Spanish feel to it. And those SOM pics. :)
Happy Thanksgiving!
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