It's that time of year already...when people dress up and pumpkins are abundant. It hardly seems like fall in Los Angeles where our firemen have been battling fires in the heat and the weather has been anything but crisp. Even though the fires were not near our home, the repercussions of them are everywhere. Hosing off grimy patio furniture and breathing the unclean air. I want those fall days to arrive soon, so I can break out my socks and sweaters.I found this picture above of my kids from a Halloween many years ago. I still cannot resist the fall colors. Even my daughter caught the All Hallows Eve spirit when she came to the house with a couple of pumpkins for us to carve. It's nice to know you are never too old to enjoy the things that hail in a new season and it brought back memories of when we were putting together the kids costumes for Halloween night and carving jack o lanterns for the doorstep. Becca's not wearing a costume this year, but she did paint her toe nails black.
I pulled out these scary ghouls when going through my Halloween Boxes...I don't know the name of the artist who made them but I have had them for many years. They have tons of personality and always make me smile. I need to make a new mask for the devil guy in red...over the years it's fallen apart and vanished. What could I make it out of? Polymar Clay? Papier Mache? Hmmm...any ideas anyone? I'll put that on my list of things to do...
I was thrilled to receive copies of my new book "Mixed Emulsions" in the mail. I know it is in the warehouse and they are ready to ship (if they haven't already.) I couldn't be happier with the colors that flood throughout the book...and the reproduction of my art. It's rewarding to see it all come together after hours and hours of writing and creating...I must admit, it's exciting!More good news, Stampington & Company has produced The Unruly Girls Club Clearly Impressed rubber stamps...Having stamps made of my precocious group of ladies is fantastic. I hope everyone enjoys using them.
Speaking of Stampington, the article I wrote on INCHIES is in the November/December issue of Somerset Studios magazine. I got seriously addicted to working in this one inch format. So much can be done in such a little space. might find it hard to stop once you get started.
You can check out all four pages of the article by clicking here...
I have been busy as can be laying out the newest edition of Pasticcio 2 in my publishing program. I love creating it, and this issue is super sized and jam packed. Sarah and I call it the super Holiday Issue and I can't wait for it to be done. Here's a sneak peek at the cover...
I was the one when my kids were in grammer school that put the yearbook together on the computer... I would probably be a photographer/graphic designer if my life had gone differently...Anyway, cross your fingers for a November release of Issue 2 of Pasticcio Quartz (Quality Art Zine). By the way, Pasticcio Issue 1 is still available!
Where is Jesse? Why he's in Texas working on a movie there. He is having a great time, but he won't be home till December and I miss does Peyton...Now I'm not one of those dog owners who dresses up their dog and carries them in their purse or anything, but I could not resist putting this pumpkin outfit on Peyton just for a quick pic. Ok it's silly...but it made you smile didn't it?And that is what we need to do more of...
Happy safe and spooky...
Great newsy post! But where is Coco Cellini? Hey, Peyton has a very guilty look... Hmmm....
Love the lady stamps!
Sandra Evertson
Peyton is the cutest pumpkin I ever saw.
Congrats on your latest book. I look forward to it. Oh, and Pasticcio too!
Happy Halloween! Each time we celebrate these days is sending the inner child to bring us memories from wonderful times when life had no difficulties.
Nice photos!
That look in Peyton's eyes is priceless. What a treasure! I would like my own dog to sit still for such a photo, but he won't.
I love your blog. Your art has inspired me to do more art myself.
Ahhh! The book looks fabulous! I can't wait to see it in person. Also...Pastaccio! Incredible!
Congrats on the stamps!!!!
Love the devil dolls you put out, and Peyton looks so adorable. Did she hate you for putting her in a costume? :)
Your new book just arrived today. WOW! I love it. Really, really nice images. Great Job!
You're fabulous new book "Mixed Emulsions" finally arrived today. You have really put together an amazing publication. There is enough information and more than enough projects to keep me busy and inspired for a very long time. I can't wait to take my photography to the next level. As soon as time permits I will be sure to leave a review on Amazon.
One question, I tried to find more information on Polaroid manipulation in your book. Did you use Time Zero film, or hopefully, something easier to find?
The Unruly Girls are a real hoot. Looking forward to incorporating them into some future projects.
Hi , Your family pictures are so adorable. I'm still waiting for your new book to hit the bookstores here in pensacola,fl. I'm going to check again this week.Pastaccio looks wonderful too.
I LOVE the book! Can't wait for it to be shipped out! I'll be in Barnes and Noble, swiftly pacing back and forth through the crafts and hobbies section looking for it, lol! Wonderful blog! Thank you for a great visit!
I purchased your book Mixed Emulisions. I absolutely love it and I love your artwork too. I can't wait to try some techniques (especiall since I purchased some Marshalls photo oils a few months ago at a sale.) I recently started an "house" based on your (and Sarah Fishburn's)book "In This House". I call it "House of Desire". Check it out when you have a moment.
Dear Angela
I have never commented on your blog before but I check it regularly as I absolutely love your work.
I was recently in Sydney at the Art Gallery of NSW and your book was there in the bookstore. I was pretty happy about this as it is not often I see mixed media books in the fine art galleries in this country - there is something of a snobbish attitude in the "fine art" world about mixed media and collage here. But there was a whole section at the NSW gallery and I spent a long time poring over many books including yours.
I couldn't afford to buy it that day (they had $44.95AUD on it!) but I came home and ordered it immediately from Amazon as I loved what I had seen.
It arrived today and, although I have not finished reading every last page, I wanted to tell you how much I absolutely adore it and how I KNOW I will be able to do so many new things, thanks to your book.
I hope it is a raging success for you, as I think it's one of the best books I have bought in ages (and I buy a lot of books!)
Kass (Melbourne, Australia)
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