Somerset Memories has a Call to Creativity Challenge based on my mini self portrait (above) that appeared in the August/September issue of the magazine.
Here's the challenge below...I hope you'll submit your self portraits and maybe get published!
Mini-Mosaic Self-Portrait Puzzles
In August/September 2007 issue Somerset Memories (page 44), artist Angela Cartwright
showed us that self portraits can be very revealing. Trying to express who
What can you come up with when you combine the “young you” and the“adult you?” Using a tiny canvas and photographs of yourself at different ages,
22992 Mill Creek, Suite B
Include brief instructions, materials used and a few sentences about your inspiration, feelings or thoughts about your piece. Results will be published in the June/July 2008 issue.
Thank You for letting us know.
If you don't mind I will post
this at Violette's Folk Art
Website. I'll tell everyone to
come here and check out the info.
I want to get your new book. It's
going to be on my Christmas list.
I really love your art. You are so
I love the flowers on your floor also.
I noticed that one of the people at the BD party had a daughter named Liliana I think it was. I had found I think last week an artist by that name one utube. That was the first time I ever heard of that name. Liliana Galor if I remember right. I have her posted on my blog. It's in an blog entry. I might have her on my list.
Looking forward to seeing you on
Fox news.
Still praying for everyone that had to deal with the fires. One of my dsil sent me some photos of it.
There were deer standing in a creek I think it was, in one of them. It's got to be so hard on everyone that lost so much. Lost lives is really heartbreaking.
I'll continue to pray!
Have a Blessed Month!
this looks like fun.
It's funny that I would find out (through dear Flassie!) about this challenge today. My honey discovered that The Sound of Music was on last night and we watched it. I made the comment that you still look like you did as a little girl and now here is this image of you with bits of both.
Thank you for all the creativity you bring to the world. You started early and continue to inspire and delight!
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