Several years ago a friend of mine gave our family a 'wish box'...and a new tradition was born. At the end of the year my family gets together and we pull out the box which holds the wishes we dreamed of the year before. Then we lament, and dream of what we want to wish for in the new year ahead. We write it down, date it and place it in the silver box, not to be looked upon until that year comes to a close. It is truly amazing how many of these wishes come true.
I hope you make some wishes to be fulfilled in 2007...write them down and put them somewhere special. Wishes and dreams can't come true unless you are very clear about them.
May all your wishes come true...
Happy New Year!
What a wonderful tradition--and thought, a 'wish box' for the new year. What a neat idea. I'm not much of a 'resolution maker', but to me, New Year's is always a hopeful holiday for me and, being after the activity of Christmas, is always a reflective and somewhat quiet time as I think of the year ahead.
Well, I did finally make my blog (or, register on blogspot) as I said I would on my Christmas Day posting--which is a little daunting--I don't know how to work with blogs yet, but I will learn.
AC, may you and your family have your wishes fulfilled, and have the best New Year you've ever had!
Gene S
I know you've heard things like this 1,000 times a day...
I'm watching "The Body Electric" on the Twilight Zone, and decided to Google your name.
I am SO happy for you, that you have become such a great photographer and artist, and that your life is filled with such amazing things!
I am going to take your advice for the wish box. Thats a great idea!
Onward and upward!
May God bless your heart and family.
i love this idea, paul and I have been meaning to do a wish box for 2 years, this year we will do it starting today!
Happy new year to you and your family.
I rented "Somebody up there likes me" I had never seen it before. You were so cute in that movie! Was it because of your age that you didn't get any screen credit?
-Nick Detaranto
Q wish box - What a nice tradition - whish I had started something like that years ago.
Angela - just wondering - how did you adjust to your sister's move by now? I recall you were pretty bummed out about it. Did you get nice new neighbors?
Bernie Berlin is coming to "Absolutely Everything" this Friday. If I can find someone to watch the little ones I am so going to be there. Her book is amazing!
Loved your vellum pieces, so translucent and textural.
My wish is that everything works out for Friday.
Looks like a nice tradition :)
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