Jenn Mason just posted an interview that I did for her blog Every Artist Studio. Check it out...there's lots to explore on her site. It was a sad day yesterday with the passing of Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson. I never worked with Michael, but how could you ignore his phenomenal talent. I did however work with Farrah at the beginning of her career and I remember her as stunningly beautiful and a very sweet person. Thought you might like to see this....
Today of course is Father's day...and I have a very special Dad. So talented, good natured and loving... hugs to you are the best on the planet!
But today is also my parents 62nd Anniversary!
62 years ago my parents said "I do" and I DO love you both...
Every now and then there are moments that happen in your life that you know will stay with you forever. The past couple of days held such moments.
left to right: me (Brigitta), Duane Chase (Kurt), Heather Menzies (Louisa), Debbie Turner (Marta), Kym Karath (Gretyl)
It was great to see the my Sound of Music family again...we all get along great and always have lots of laughs...but the circle got wider. This occasion for our get together was to meet at the Von Trapp Family Lodge and Resort. The REAL Von Trapp family had invited us to a dedication on their property and we were thrilled to all be able to go.
The Von Trapp Lodge is a beautiful 2,400-acre resort with sweeping mountain views providing accommodations in an Austrian-style. It reminds me very much of Austria where the original family came from. That's why they bought the property and built the lodge here. You can see it down every hall of the lodge and among the sweeping gardens and meadows.
On a walk through the woods of Vermont, Johannes von Trapp and his lovely wife Lynn, newlyweds Elisa and Sam von Trapp (the grandson of Georg and Maria von Trapp) and the movie "Non Trapps".
THE DEDICATION Duane played Kurt in the movie which was the part of Werner in real life. Werner von Trapp passed away in 2008 and the Non Trapps (as we call ourselves) dedicated an apple tree to the lodge from the cast of the kids in the movie. It was planted in Spring so this was the formal dedication. Unfortunately Charmian and Nicholas could not make it, but they were there in spirit. And the whole occasion had a lot of spirit...
Maria von Trapp is so beautiful and gracious... Heather played the part of Maria in the movie.
A lot of von Trapps...
This is Hedwig von Trapps grave. I played Hedwig's role (renamed Brigitta) in the movie.
A POTPOURRI OF IMAGES... from pumpkin soup...a talk with the guests staying at the lodge... the beauty of the lodge grounds...Lynn's delicious 'local vodka' cosmopolitan... a special week I'll never forget.
Cheers to all the von Trapp's for a truly awesome time!
I noticed today in my Stampington celebrate the release of "In This Garden" - they now have it on their bookshelf - they are putting ALL their Angela Cartwright items on I thought I would post the link...just in case you had the urge to purchase those unruly shadows or unruly girls rubber stamps...or my artist papers or any of my books at a discount... Here is the link: Angela Cartwright SALE
You might want to check out their other goodies too...they carry loads of stuff for the artistic soul...
Well I have been lagging with the blogging...there has been so much on my plate...but I did want to alert you to this show coming out on STARZ channel. It's called THE FACE IS FAMILIAR and there is a whole bit in there with my sister Veronica, and you'll see a snippet of me too running lines with her. It's a cool program and I really enjoyed it, you might too.
Then for those of you who are a little more unruly...tune in to the show my daughter Becca produces...KENDRA on E channel... 1 hour world premiere with limited commercial interruptions. I saw a rough cut and it's really fun...You go girl... It's pouring with rain outside and I just love it...A blessing for my garden with the water restrictions LA has just imposed on us... ok back to work...I promise more art will be coming to this blog soon....