Duane played Kurt in the movie which was the part of Werner in real life. Werner von Trapp passed away in 2008 and the Non Trapps (as we call ourselves) dedicated an apple tree to the lodge from the cast of the kids in the movie. It was planted in Spring so this was the formal dedication. Unfortunately Charmian and Nicholas could not make it, but they were there in spirit. And the whole occasion had a lot of spirit...

from pumpkin soup...a talk with the guests staying at the lodge...
the beauty of the lodge grounds...Lynn's delicious 'local vodka' cosmopolitan...
a special week I'll never forget.

Cheers to all the von Trapp's for a truly awesome time!
Thank you for sharing your photos of you and your Sound of Music family, ... plus the Von Trapp family. All lovely! I always loved the movie Sound of Music!
That is awesome (in the true meaning of the word)! Thank you so much for sharing such a special time with us. Wonderful photographs!
When I was growing up, after watching The Sound of Music (I saw it originally in 1965 when it was first in theatres), I read Maria von Trapp's "The Story of the Trapp Family Singers" so many times that my copy finally fell apart -- I can still quote parts of the book from memory. So seeing some of the "real" von Trapps alongside you wonderful "non" Trapps is a special delight. And what beautiful surroundings. Lovely, lovely, lovely.
What a beautiful place and a lovely reunion! The Vonn Trapps and the Non Trapps - very cute!
Gorgeous photos. It looks like you had a great time.
Thank you for sharing this..what a truly special visit that must have been for you. That visit would have been a great video for us to see on TV!
Thanks for sharing this plus all other parts of your art and life. I enjoy reading the blog.
I remember when the Sound of Music opened my parents wanted to take me. I was 10 and thought it was a documentary on music so didn't want to go. I grumbled all the way. I don't grumble now. :)
Thank you so much for sharing this. Sound of Music has always been a favorite of mine; between the ages of 6 and 16 I had the pleasure of being in the play three times (Gretl, Frau Schmidt, and Sister Berta). You were all so wonderful in your parts (it took me a while when I was little to understand that Penny Robinson could be in Austria too LOL).
I remember when I was visiting my sister in Newport, VT one time many years ago, we had the chance to visit the Lodge and it was my lucky day...... I had the opportunity to meet Maria.... THE Maria. What a lovely woman.
Thank you for the wonderful memories.
Absolutely wonderful!
What wonderful pix. Is that a large rock you are sitting on in that first pic? It looks like a paved road that ended. lol. It's a cute pic. You look gorgeous in all your pix.
Wow, you were in my old neck of the woods. I grew up on the NY side of Lake Champlain, right on the lake. Every summer, after 'the movie' my dad would take me to visit the Von Trapps, particularly Maria. Of course as a little girl I was always hoping the movie kids would magically show up along with Mary Poppins :) but she was always gracious and always had some little thing for me whether it was a dried flower, maple sugar or as I got older she gave me her book. This was all in the old place, before the tragic fire. I've taken my older daughter back but it just wasn't the same.... I'm hard for change... It is beautiful though, just not the fond memories of the past. My mom still lives on the lake and I go back yearly. My sister on Burlington side. I'm headed back mid July... the best time for a swim.
Looks like you had a wonderful time and glad you got to experience a bit of the east. Do you get to stay put anytime soon? Your suitcases must be about worn out!!
How wonderful of you to share your photos with us!
Seems that everyone holds a place in their hearts for the SOUND OF MUSIC!
How beautiful -- the photos and your story. I have always loved "The Sound of Music."
How kind of you to share so many pieces of your life with us! It is beautiful to see connections made early in life are not broken, and to feel the bond of respect. I took a glorious trip while reading your posts!
What a gift you have given us by sharing these wonderful photos. "These are a few of my favorite things..."
Great pics - now I want to head back to Stowe, a lovely town for an escape, any season of the year.
Oh this is a lovely post! It is one of my all time favorite movies, just reading the post has me singing in my head. How wonderful for all of you to get together. I was so excited to have my name on the cover of Apprentice with yours, I ran to my hubby with my copy and said 'look, I'm right here with Brigitta!' I then had to explain myself-lol!
Pam Carriker
I haven't been to Stowe since 1976 and it was in october.Your pictures are beautiful.Thanks for sharing that special reunion.I need to go back.
What a fab reunion! A true classic for sure! Thanks for sharing all the great photos!
wow.. I just found this blog by researching so much about the von Trapp family. I just watched the movie last weekend (Feb 23, 2014)and found myself fascinated with all of'em. I didn't know at first that the von Trapp family is real! As a 90s kid, I feel awesome for liking this so much!
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