So I have returned from my weekend in Louisville (pronounced Looville by the natives) Kentucky. I have three words for this part of the country..'.the nicest people' or...'the politest children'...or...'home down hospitality'... Kentuckians are proud of their Derby that's for sure. And who ever thought there was such a thing as fried corn on the cob? Will wonders ever cease?

There was a tribute to the robot that was painstakingly constructed by David Huber. Bob May was a frequently seen at Wonderfest in past years and everyone was saddened by his passing.
Veronica was given the the Aliens Legacy Gold Award...WooHoo...She deserves it...

And while we were there...Veronica was given the word that her pilot "
Eastwick" was given the green light and she starts shooting in July. That's right...she was in the original "Witches of Eastwick" and here she reprises her role somewhat as "Bun". Should be fun...the show will air Wednesday nights at 10:00 on ABC this fall... Very excited for big sis.
Since I visited Kentucky I have been to Las Vegas and back with a parental emergency...All went well and Dad is recovering nicely thank goodness...and boy now am I ready to stay home for awhile. I still have not had time to post any pix from the cruise...which feels like it was a long time ago now...
Time...such a luxury when you don't have it. I have several unfinished art pieces on my art table and many more in my head waiting...patiently...
all in good time...(who said that I wonder?)
I shall always regret not having met the man inside the robot!
Congratulations to your sister! That is great! Hope your father stays well! I am glad your home safe!
Good to see you're back! Glad you had such a good time -- and congrats to Veronica!
Hope your Dad continues to recover well.
Derby-ites are very serious!!!!:>) Glad you are back and creating and posting, and happy to hear your dad is ok............
I'm so glad to hear that your dad is fine.
I can't help but giggle a bit when I see a picture of Robbie the Robot. My brother is a model maker and he created a miniature "Robbie" for a client many years ago!
By the way, I love your new banner. Glad to have you back.
Garden Painter Art
I'm watching TV right now on the "bio" channel (about Lost in Space) and decided to look you up to see what you look like today. You're as beautiful as ever! I always thought you were the cutest little girl ever on Danny Thomas' show. It's good to read you blog!
I really like you new banner. Oops!
Didn't mean to comment with the kitty cat!
Im sorry to hear about your dad but glad he's doing better.Congrats to Veronica!I look forward to her new series.Hope you get some rest at home.
You HAVE been a busy lady. So glad you had a nice trip and that your Dad is recovering nicely. I have been mesmerized by the song that played on your last post (may 15th) - racking my brain trying to remember what it is and where I've heard it. Can you give me a clue? I have always enjoyed your work. Have a wonderful weekend at home! ~~ Mary Lib in Florida
Good luck to your dad - hope he continues to get better day by day!
I'm glad you enjoyed your visit to Louisville. And I'm glad I had the chance to meet you.
Angela, I had such a crush on you from the Lost in Space series. Seeing additional photos of you confirms that same feeling.
'Friday'…we Japanese call the robot that way.
When the 'Lost in Space' was broadcast in Japan in 1960's, the TV station, TBS(Tokyo Broadcasting System) named the robot 'Friday' by the result of public offering.
About some items of the dram, there are some differences between the original and our way of calling. For example, 'Chariot' is 'Explorer Vehicle'.
I hope your father will get better and your sister will be successful, and may Bob rest in peace.
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