Isn't she darling...the Diana...a Holga camera that is so colorful, creative and cute. I have wanted one to shoot with for a while now...I just need to load her up and go...I can't wait to see what she produces with my eye behind her...
This happy trio has been begging to hold my tea for awhile now. The family was so good to me... I smile every time I glance upon this cheerful trio... Mackenzie Childs has intrigued me for years and I have collected their pieces one at a time... and here I got three all at once! Gotta love those checks....
This felt purse was a gift from my sister
Veronica. She found it at her sons school boutique. All felted and cozy and nifty. I dig it.
Nothing like a gift from the heart...Sarah gave me this commissioned piece (I'm sure it was commissioned cause that's Sarah and me!) ...this artful creation was made by the talented Jennifer Gordon . Love it!
...and so this week of holiday vacation continues. My garden is all dormant from these freezing LA nights (well freezing for us anyway...), there is a pile on my desk several feet high that needs attacking, there is glitter Everywhere...all sparkly and magical...I think I might leave much to do before the bells chime at midnight on December 31st...But till then...I think I'll go watch another movie and eat some cookies...thanks to Mark, Madelyn and Paul and Steve. You guys really know how to keep the waistline trim. Tomorrow is another I be it.
Happy that you had a lovely family Christmas. It really does bring family and friends together, doesn't it? I have a big family and we love to spend the holidays together.
A camera! What a perfect gift for you! I bet your husband has an easy (??) time deciding on gifts, with all of your creative endeavors.
Love to see your photos - I recognize your son and daughter in the pics. Were the others family also?
Please continue to play the music on your blog. It is so soothing and restful. It is introducing me to new music that I wasn't aware of! I have tried to find some, but haven't been able to locate them yet.
Best wishes for a wonderful year ahead in your family life and artistic endeavors.
Love all of the holiday booty! Jennifer did a wonderful job on the piece of both of you! The colors are just gorgeous and the two keys - well that is just perfect!
P.S. I got my copy of Mixed Emulsions yesterday! Looking forward to scouring it over cover to cover. From what I saw so far. . wow Ang! Just wow. . .
Hi AC,
Funny. I asked for the same Camera for Christmas and it found its way under my tree! I can't wait to try it out but I feel a bit uncertain on what the results will be. I thought the book that came with it was really well done. Let's compare notes...
Hi MS Cartwright, When I saw your purse it reminded me of a question. Has your sister Veronica ever wore any of your pieces in a movie??> PEACE
Enjoy the time off. We all have such precious little of it. Have fun with your creative endeavors. You continue to inspire mine both through photography and mixed media. Happy New Year Angela!
Going to take my camera out for a country drive!
Love the gifts you recieved.
Thanks for the links. Fun
I bought a vintage camera I'd
like to figure out how to get
new film into so I can use it.
Have you ever seen what a Pintoid Camera can do? Look up Merrill Pintoid Camera and the site should come up at the top.
Went back and read the Holiday Traditions. Dsil who was born in Germany is part Italian and she makes Anise Biscotti for Christmas. One of her Aunts sends her the Anise. I used what you get in the store and it does not compare to her Aunts Anise Seed. On Christmas Eve they usually make Fondue.
I'll have to try some of the traditions you posted.
My ddil sends me photos of my dgrnd who lives in Sweden of their traditional celebration of St. Lucia. Check out ihanna on my list she has more info on St. Lucia Day and also I love the painting of Katherine Dunn's of St. Lucia. She is on my list also. She is writing a really cute Children's story. I love her art.
The photos of you family and friends are beautiful.
Looking forward to what you will create in 2008!
Have a Very Blessed Happy Joyful New Year in 2008 to You and Yours!!!
Stumbled on your blog. You will love your Diana. I have three and they are all different.
I'm thoroughly enjoying Mixed Emulsions, can't wait to dig in. Happy New Year!
Woweee. Those canisters would really wake me up in the morning. lol. Love the camera. It is cute.
I am so glad you loved your commissioned piece, Sarah just told me you blogged about it.
I am more than flattered.
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