My little studio does not always look like this...
this is how it looks when I have several projects going at the same time
when I am in the throes of just creating...

it's funny I can find anything in this clutter...but...
I know where everything is when it's like this...

but when this phase is over and once again it's all neat and tidy...
I'll have put to bed this soul dwelling series of art I am working on...

and Peyton says...take a nap already would you?
Oh so happy to see that there are other studios out there that look like mine!! The creative process is an amazing thing!! LOVE IT!
Angela, I saw the new Nicole Kidman film, THE INVASION, yesterday, and saw Veronica in it. Have you seen the film yet? It's so good. Hope she enjoyed making the film. I kept wondering what was going to happen to Veronica's character. -Amanda
Do unruly artist ever sleep?
I have to wonder...
I read once, "A creative mind is rarely tidy"...and so your work space is as it should be. Mine is very similar.
Oh no! I fear that Coco Cellini has been buried alive in the clutter. (Just kidding!)
isn't that what people call a "creative mess"? =)
There's nothing like organized chaos to get the creative juices flowing. If we spent time constantly trying to keep things neat and tidy we would never get anything done!
By the way, how's the dining room redo coming along?
I have not seen "Invasion" yet...sad to say...but there just has not been the time... I am glad to see all the unruliness out there...for awhile I thought I was a disgrace to virgoness...!
Sleep? No rest for the weary....
Peyton does the sleeping for me while I slave away...though she does require a good fetch session once a day...I promise to post the dining room pics at a later date...It's been done for awhile now and I have been slacking on showing promised results...so remind me again...after all this craziness is over....and Coco...gee...where is Coco...?
To my fellowette virgo. :) I'm August 30th. :) Yeh!!!! Virgos rule!!!! :)
What a wonderfully "untidy" studio - always a sign that there is, indeed, an artist at work! I am envious of artists whose studios are so organized & tidy, but alas, I will never be like them. Seeing where you create is a treat!
Wow! It looks like a true artist's workplace! So much to look at to reinspire yourself!
I am not surprised to see this, knowing how hard you have been working! I have been somewhat less productive, but mine's actually worse. How is that possible?
Taurus trumps Virgo in laziness and debris.
When did you sneek into my studio?
>Where is Coco?
Well, I hope it's not true...but with all of the odd Hollywood Celebrity news lately...maybe it's real. Allegedly, Coco is behind bars (photo link). Best wishes to Coco.
Your studio looks interesting! Is like having a treasure chest or a surprise box at home. This make us feel happy and safe;it's our hideout.
I am so happy that you shared these photos!! My studido always looks like a tornado just hit!! No matter if I am in the midle of a project or just cleaned up!
We all can relate! I had to get another studio to pretend that I was organized! It's not working! I know myself too well!
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