art is a healing thing...at least it is for me...it is the space between reality and art that is the most comfortable for me to sit in. The more my mind goes to that zone...the more I create, the more I create, the more I heal...and the easier it is...
And it is ironic...that there is a space between sadness and joyfulness...at one end of the spectrum there are things we can do nothing about...at the other we must make sure our hands are open to grasp at it as it passes by.

You can see it all here: soul dwellings

Making art has been one of the most healing things I've done while grieving for my sister. That space between is where the heart rests.
These pictures of your parents hands are wonderful.
You are so lucky to have this time to photograph and treaure forever this moment with your parents. My mother was very ill when I first got into black and white photography and to this day I remember the times that I wish I was able to capture on film her essence, as only black and white film can. To be able to see such moments as an artist is truly a great gift. I wish that I could be there in person to see your exhibit. It looks to be quite magical.
I see that you are going to have a very busy birthday! Good luck with your reception and book signing!
beautiful pics!!!
{ThE fReNcH tOuCh}
Although I do not take photos of hands I often use them in my art and affirmations...Here is one of my favorites...
I am blown away! Beautiful post, beautiful words, beautiful photos
Yes,doing things we love is like entering in a world where sadness and worries disappear;their abstract meaning too.
Cool about the hands. That morphing around was neat too. I really enjoyed that. How come you didn't put your pic in there?
Angela, will you please sign my guestbook on my webpage? I appreciate the signed pic you sent me with the MUSE. It's beautiful. I just ordered an Unruly Artist tank top, btw. I'm an artist but not unruly. lol. I mean, I'm kinda tame. lol. Anyway, can't wait to get it.
i am here years down the road from the original post, pointed this way by crescendoh's daily archives. there are so many points here that are kin to my work, my beliefs. hands. handprints. i have a thing about handprints, a painting in my house of handprints of friends & family made the year a dear neighbor died - made when we gathered close to each other, made when those people were my heart. your phrase "we must make sure our hands are open to grasp at it as it passes by" is almost the "theme" of my blog, a theme taken from a painting of mine, that we must hold out our hands and catch the magic falling all around us, that it is there and up to us to see and receive it. and last, when you say there is a space between sadness and joyfulness. i always say the words sacred and scared are just a difference of keystrokes. so close. so far apart.
so glad i found your spot here.
:) Debi
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