I have been very busy these last weeks...I got the lasers for my second book "Mixed Emulsions" and it is intense work going over it. This one is scheduled for release in November...but first there is "In This House" which will be out the beginning of July. I am putting together a book signing on the night of my photography exhibit at A Studio Gallery on September 9th. Several of the artists that collaborated in the book have agreed to come to LA and attend the signing. That should be a blast. So between a few articles I'm writing and art I'm creating for Stampington & Co magazines, working on my exhibit in September, working on a commission, and finishing up some art projects...and having the dining room painted...it's awesome! My desk looks crazy...and I am taking each day as it comes...trying to get as much done as I can.
I didn't mention it when the finale of "24" came about...it didn't have the cliffhanger the year before had...but I suspect they don't really know what they are going to do at this point. I'm not sure everyone liked this day as much as some of the earlier days...it was complicated...but being the fan my whole family is of the show...we would set ourselves down every Monday to weave through the hours of our hero Jack Bauer...
Now we have to wait till January again for our next dose of Jack.
I am already hooked on "So You Think You Can Dance"...I just love watching good dancing. So I suspect I will be following that show every week. Who is watching "The Lot"?
Gotta go...stuff to do. Will post pics of my dining room if you want to see it when it gets finished.
Have a good long weekend...

Happy Anniversary!!
What a gorgeous picture-wow!!! Is your Dad a photographer as well? Love the lighting, the composition!! :)
I am looking forward to the ITH gathering in September it is in big letters on my calendar.
I hope that in between all of your art time for others that you have some art time for YOU :)
Happy anniversary!!!!!!
Angela, you look so beautiful in your wedding dress-I love the old-fashionness (not a word) of the dress. Like something out of the 20s or before. -Amanda
Happy Anniversary!!!! :)
Angela, was the dress made the year you got married, or was it made a long time before-because it does look from the 20s or even before. -Amanda
OK I'm hooked on ALL dance shows. The lot is really interesting and fresh!!! What is happening in your dinig room?? Blessings, Rebecca
I LOVE this wedding dress. It has so much more class compared to the same ol, same ol strapless wedding gowns today. Classic.....
Hi Angela,
I saw IN THIS HOUSE at BookExpo this weekend and it looks GREAT! Congrats on such a cool book :).
Happy Anniversary!! Beautiful Women in a Beautiful dress!
Just reading through some of your old blog posts and the photo of you on your wedding day caught my eye. You looked so lovely on that special day, your dress is amazing! If possible, would you consider sharing some of your other wedding photos with us at some future time?
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