left to right top row: Jesse, Dakots, Becca, Steve, Veronica
bottom row: Aunt Mary, Chris, me, Mum Dad and Richy


A gal pal visit to beautiful the 2007 pick of the Pasadena Showcase House of Design...the Boddy House at Descanso Gardens...This house is near and dear to me because I had two exhibits of my photography here in August of 2002 and 2003. The gardens are one of my favorite places on earth because they are so very beautiful, peaceful and enchanting.
Publisher E. Manchester Boddy bought the land where the gardens and house are today and called it Rancho del Descanso loosely translated as the Ranch of Rest. In the early 1950's Boddy closed his newspaper and delved into creating a botanical haven on his 160 acres. The 22 room mansion was completed in 1938 at a cost of approximately $140,000 and became the site of frequent and lavish parties.
The house has long been in need of a face lift, so I was thrilled to hear it was to be the showcase house this year. The designers did a lovely job capturing the mood of the house and highlighting the details.

How lovely to wake up every morning to a cup of coffee overlooking the vast oak tree forest...walking every day through the paths lined with camillias, or wandering down to the Rosearium which covers 3 acres and holds over 3,000 types of roses... sigh...
Speaking of gardens...my potager garden has yielded a lovely strawberry...big enough for a Barbie doll to dip in chocolate and enjoy....still waiting for other sightings of edibles...

the UGLY...
You might recall if you read my blog, that I had a tree branch go through the windshield of my car 5 weeks ago... Well...it has taken 5 weeks for me to get my car back...and yesterday when I picked it up I was delighted and grateful beyond belief...
Later that night I headed out to dinner with my buds and pulled up to the valet. I go inside and get a booth and 3 minutes later my friends come in and ask if I got my car back...
and I say...Yeah! Finally...!
and Carol says "I was afraid of that...the valet guy in the parking lot just backed your car into a pole..."
and I thought she was kidding...
"We watched the whole thing..." said Maureen...and sure enough it was true...my little car had been backed into a pole...and will have to go away again to get fixed...
Go figure...
It was just about then I was ready for a cosmopolitan in the glass I had seen earlier that day at the Gardens...

I hope that by now you can laugh at your car woes. It happened to me years ago. My (then) husband had the engine out of my Bug for weeks - finally it is back in and purring like a kitten (well, Bug's didn't purr if you recall! LOL!)...it was a hot summer day and off I drive to the local market for soft drinks...BAM, a woman pulling out of her parking space rear ends me..smack into the Bug's engine! So, I feel your pain! ;-)
Great post - so much to see and read. Seems May is a great birthday month - mine is Cinco de Mayo, so we celebrated at Disneyland yesterday to beat the crowds!
I'd like to invite you and your readers to my blog - simply leave a post this month and be entered to win one of my hand bound journals!
Take care,
grat family pic!!! you guys look like you have way too much fun. -amanda
A few years ago I was lucky enough to visit Descanso Gardens while celebrating my niece's high school graduation. It is truely a magical place. There just wasn't enough time to photograph everything. I hope someday to go there again and photograph what I missed.
"Somerset Life" arrived today. Love your decanter. The magazine is packed with beautiful projects.
Hope your luck with your car turns around.
I can just imagine a TV commercial:
Hi, I'm ac. We all need great automobile insurance. Whether you're in an old car getting ready to race away from Nazis, or whether you are driving an all-terrain vehicle on another planet, or whether you're parking outside during a windstorm, or whether you're entrusting your vehicle to a Hollywood restaurant valet...you need the best insurance...That's why I rely on _____(fill in name) Insurance Company. They've been great for me, and they can be great for you.
-just kidding! (Sorry about the car problems!)
Thanks for sharing the family pics and taking us on the garden tour! Can't wait to see your influences on Bill Mumy's coming "Landlord" album. How about a sketch of "Laker dog eating strawberry"?
Warmest regards,
Mike H
Very nice familiy snap and I think it's great that your ex-brother in-law is invited too! Not all divorced families can do that.
dear angela
your blog is very beautiful
a french fan
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j'espère faire parti de vos amis
jedi un fan français
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