When you get a chance check out my art pal Sarah Fishburn's new, updated and improved website. http://www.sarahfishburn.com
I enjoyed putting Sarah's site together for her and looking at her body of work. Sarah and I are very excited about our book "In This House" being printed as I write this. It won't be long now.

Working on a couple of projects. I'll post them as I get farther along.
Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible.
I think it's in my basement... let me go upstairs and check.
M. C. Escher
AAH! The "Shag!" I had it my freshman year in college. Hairstyles today seem to have a lot of shag looks in them, don't you think?? I don't recall you ever having one, though. I remember you with the long hair. I wore mine long also, and when my daughters were little I let their hair grow, also. I loved it at the time!
you look adorable here!!!! from the side profile, you look a little bit like lindsay lohan. :)
Yes please, more 'digging up'. More of A.C.'s 'show-biz past'. Because quite honestly m'dear, there hasn't been a prettier TV child actress in the 40+ years since Penny/Brigitta/Linda left the scene.
I've got an old b/w 'team photo' of a pool party held in Beverly Hills (1962?) with yourself and at least 20 other CBS network child stars (including Ron Howard, Larry Mathews etc). It'd be nice to see all those faces in a colour picture if you can 'dig it up'.
i LOVE the shag haircuts nowadays!! :) They are Hip and Cool!!! :)
In an earlier comment of mine (above) I made mention of a photo featuring the CBS child stars of 1962. I can now add that photo here and direct your attention to the left side of the crowd - third swimmer up. There's our AMC taking it easy in the CEEment pond.
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