Has anyone been watching "Planet Earth"? The series started on Sunday, March 25th on the Discovery Channel. It is truly astounding. I am totally in awe of the footage that was obtained for this series...I believe it continues to play at different times and channels (check your local listings). Check out their website when you get a chance it's full of information and photographs. (I even got caught up in the game they have on there where you send your crews into these remote locations and see if you can bring them in under budget.) I can't wait to see the other episodes. I highly recommend it...
It is certainly a reminder of how small our world around us is and how amazing and diverse planet earth really is.
Thanks for recommending that show, Angela - it definitely sounds like something I'd love to watch. Anything nature and adventure-oriented, and I'm definitely in! Hey, what's Coco Celini been up to lately - I've missed her adventures =)
Planet Earth was amazing.. Loved it!!
You said it ! Like the Scripture ..."the whole Earth is full of His glory"
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