This is sort of a Summer into Fall picture, but the word to interpret was Goldenrod. This is what that word looks like to me. It feels good to get back in the art chair again...(figuratively speaking) often I stand...
I am on the last legs now of my second book "
Mixed Emulsions". In the meantime I have so much to catch up on that has gone to wayside this past year while I was busy writing. And here it is March already. I have a list as long as my arm of this and that...like cleaning out my closet...planting my
potager garden, painting the dining room...all on that list of things to do that I write at the beginning of each year.
Not lofty goals, just reasonable ones that I pretty much attain if I set my mind to it.
Yesterday morning, while the clocks were moving forward 1 hour...I was heading out to KCET to give the
'Hero in Education' award to a worthy winner on
The Big Spin... the lottery show. The winner was Ann Brigden, for creating the
Peacemakers in Carson schools. She has created a program to give kids the tools to deal with bullies, cruelty and violence. I was proud to give her an award for her dedicated work.

It was nostalgic for me to be back on the KCET studio lot. It had been many years, but still they have maintained the look and the history of the studio. They have updated the stages, but the dressing rooms felt like I was walking into a time capsule. I had been there before, though it would be hard to pinpoint when. Maybe there was a game show, or talk show I had filmed there years before. Anyway, it felt like putting on a comfy pair of old slippers.
It's like: never relax, never take that breath, never stop to get that drink of water. You know you can always smell roses when you're running with them in your hand.
Garth Brooks