Can't wait till January 14 and 15th...that's when Jack Bauer starts his next sleepless day. I cannot wait...
We received the '24' DVD boardgame for Christmas and 5 of us tried to play it. We are definetly NOT secret agents...we could not figure out how to manually reset the computer at CTU for the clue to destroy the submarine...we got told off many times by Jack that we were wasting time...we were all devastated. We have decided to let Jack save the world, as we were all hopeless secret agents.
Thank heavens there are Jacks in the world to save our planet from destruction...it allows us to remain artists and do our job of contributing in our way. Wish we could save the world with art...but what can you do...only the best we can I guess.
We made need the Jacks of the world to keep us from self destructing, but without art the planet would still be lifeless.
Check out on PBS tonight: American Masters: Annie Leibovitz. She's one of my all time favorite Photographers!
Your enthusiasm for this 24 program has finally convinced me to give it a look/see when it next comes round. I've never seen a minute of it. (But if AC likes it...)
I used to almost ENVY the friends of mine that hadn't yet seen the movie 'Cinema Paradiso'; because I knew the high that awaited them upon 1st ever viewing. Hmm... then perhaps you envy me & my clean slate regarding '24'?
Love your take on the game. Yes, what kind of day will Jack have this year.
my parents can't wait for 24!!! :)
Can't wait until Jan. 14 either.IT MY BIRTHDAY!! The "Wish BOX"is a very good idea. My wish would be that I will be around to open it again next year. >PEACE
Hi ac, I don't know if anyone from 24 will be there, but I do see that both of your 'sisters' Marta (Marta Kristen and Debbie "Marta" Turner)...and also two more of your SOM 'sisters' Heather Menzies and Kym Karath are scheduled to appear at a celeb meet and greet this saturday jan 13 in buena park california. No ac? :-( Oh well, I know that you're super busy with your books, but if you do end up deciding to go, I hope that you'll put up a quick blog note so your fans in the area will know to stop by and say hi to you. Take care!
Hooray! Angela is now listed as scheduled to appear with 3 of her Sound of Music 'sisters' Heather Menzies, Debbie Turner, Kym Karath...and also with her Lost In Space 'sister' Marta Kristen at a Celeb Meet & Greet this Saturday January 13 in Buena Park California! Now if only Angela's real sister (popular actress Veronica Cartwright) would also attend, then they could just rename the entire event: "The Angela Cartwright Sister Meet & Greet" ;-)
I've seen the five seasons on DVD, and I can't see my self watching it on TV, simply because commercials must be hell(Jack Bauer approaches the evil terrorist and... don't squeeze the Charmin). Plus waiting a week between episodes must really kill the suspense (I usually watch a season in about 4-5 days).
Hi Angela,
I have a question that has nothing to do with the show "24". As a child, were you in a Twilight Zone episode?
I can't complain about the commercials in 24 - I have time to breath..... maybe even let the dogs out. It's been a long time since last season, hopefully the heart will be able to make it through with Jack.
I LOVE 24...absolutely love it. I can't watch it this season though...I have to record it, then watch it. Because I didn't start watching it from day one, I've missed crucial things. So I've started renting the old seasons to get caught up. I must say I prefer watching the DVDs anyhow. No commercials, and when the last 20 minutes of the show get too suspenseful, you can keep going on to the next show to calm down a bit!
Season one was AMAZING!!!!
GO JACK!!!!!!!!
Angela, I hope the 24 DVD game tips help if you ever do pull out that game again! (lol) It was nice to see you today with 3 of your TSOM sisters, to see both of your sisters Marta, and to see Marta K. reunite with her former dancing partner. Thanks for signing one of your AC Artist Vellums. Enjoy your new 24 season!
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