How cute are my parents? They drove into town for a visit over this last weekend.

We celebrated birthdays and took a trip to the old Farmers Market on Fairfax. The Grove has been built onto the back of it...but the Market remains the same, thank goodness.
We ate at the market,

walked around and enjoyed all the colors...

and marveled at all the goodies...

and then we meandered through The Grove and went to see "Little Miss Sunshine" at the theatre there. Loved that movie...what a hoot.

Time with my parents zoomed by...as it always seems to. I try to clear my schedule so I can spend quality time with them...so this past week I spent catching up on what I had put aside and started making lists...I'm a good list maker...plotting out the rest of the year so I don't go crazy...wishful thinking? perhaps...but every day I get something done so I feel good about that...
To understand the heart and mind of a person, look not at what he has already achieved, but at what he aspires to.
~Kahlil Gibran
I have been trying to watch the new shows on TV so I can stay up with what's happening. I've watched alot of television the past week...(thanks to Tivo)...but I like to keep on top of the biz and at least catch the premier show...anyone have any favorites out there?

I love this sign...Sarah Fishburn and Christi Wich gave it to me after my visit to Fort Collins, Colorado earlier this year. Sarah brought it with her when she came for her visit this summer. I have been wanting to put it up for the longest time (you rub the letters onto the wall)...and finally I found the time to do it. I put it over our front door...and everyone loves the way it looks...I love the sentiment...big thanks to you ladies...Home truly is where your story begins...