I may just do it one day to be wild and crazy and out of control.

I just finished my picture for the bio page of our new book, 'In This House'. Sarah Fishburn posted her picture on her blog and I thought I would do the same. They will probably crop into it...so here it is in it's entirety. Pretty exciting that it is posted there on Amazon. No cover picture yet, but there it is.
It was a relaxed weekend. The family came over for a Happy Birthday Bar-B-Q for my brother Chris, and though it was really hot outside it was cool to see everyone together. We called my parents who sang Happy Birthday over the phone with all of us to my little brother...My parents will be coming in for a visit the middle of the month, and hopefully this LA heatwave will ease off a bit.
I've been meaning to congratulate Jack Bauer aka Keifer on his Best Actor and Best Drama Emmy's for '24'...the show won 5 in all I think. I can't wait till January 2007 rolls around and off we can go again on another E ride...I have been trying to add a picture of Jack Bauer to this blog entry but it just won't download...all I can think is Jacks identity is so secret, so undercover...even computers can't capture his image...hope you are doing ok in Singapore Jack...
In the meantime I have become addicted to 'Prison Break'...just need that rush of adreneline every week...

While looking through some old photos I found this illustration of 'The Sound Of Music' cast drawn by Hirschfeld...I had completely forgotten about it and had'nt seen it for years...I have always loved caricatures...mystifying how a few lines can capture the look of someone...some day maybe I will reveal some of my sketches in my artbook....
maybe some day...
I was so sad to hear about the tragic accident of Steve Irwin. I loved that guy and he educated so many with his enthusiastic style...'Crikey' he brought us some interesting moments on film and you could tell he loved his work. Things like this remind us how life can be so unpredictable...

Your post was so beautiful Ms. Cartwright. I especially loved the Sound of Music drawing. It was so sad about Steve Erwin. My heart goes out to his wife and lovely children. As long as there is a Spirit of Adventure and a love of all life, a part of Steve will never die. Speaking of adventure, if you wear white this time of year I will never speak to AGAIN!! >PEACE
Wonderful post Angela. Your fascinating Hirschfeld drawing for the The Sound of Music movie prompted me to search on line for more of his work. I found a fun 1959 illustration:
"Broadway Sound of Music Hirschfeld"
Thanks for sharing the memorable Hirschfeld piece.
I love the SOM drawing. And although I might not have agreed with the baby and the crocodile thing, Steve will be missed. I realized that he was just teaching his kids not to be afraid. After all, living in Australia, he had wild animals in his backyard. So he was teaching his kids not to fear. Still, that was a little daunting. But I was thinking about him this whole week.
Happy Birthday Tomorrow, Angela. Best Wishes on your special day. Have a great day with family and friends. Love, Amanda Brooks
I live in Australia and just wanted to thank you for putting a note on your site about Steve Irwin. I live about an hour from his Zoo and took my children there to watch him with his Crocs. Truely amazing! "Some people come into your life, leave footprints on your heart and you are never the same" such was with Steve.
Now I can say Happy Birthday today, Angela. Love, Amanda
Happy Birthday!
Congratulations on the new book!
White is always in. In a few months we will be up to our eyeballs in it!
Happy Birthday Angela on behalf of your
Sound of Music movie fans
Yes, Miss, about that white thing, my goodness! You seem like SUCH a rule-breaker to even suggest you would consider it. I just don't know, I just don't know. . . (you can picture me here, wringing my hands and sucking on a strand of hair in dismay.)
However, once you got me thinking, considering it, I took the plunge and hey! The water's fine, as is my pretty white petticoat in its flaunted beyond Labor Day glory.
Happy Birthday, kid! "Another day older. . ."
yr pal.
Happy Birthday Miss Angela!
I am a fan of sound of music. Can I grab the SOM reunion pics?
Thanks in advance.
Happy birthday...a day late!!!
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