ah sundays...this morning when I made my breakfast my half a raisin bagel looked just like a butterfly...I had to take a picture of it...it looked so lovely. Which made me reflect...one can find alot of beauty in everyday objects...

I have been working long hours on the book I am writing with Sarah Fishburn...and it's kind of crunch time. I've been taking breaks to create some art but mainly I am consumed by cyberspace and manuscript mode. It was a wonderful respite on Wednesday when I drove to the beach with my Mah Jongg pals to celebrate Mare's birthday, eat some lobster, drink some wine, and take a few pictures (including this self timed image of us playing a few games of Mah Jongg.) Being in the clean air with the surf crashing below the balcony really cleared my head as beach air will often do...and the laughter and girl talk spurred me on to finish the week with a renewed energy.
I also took some time to stare out at the vast Pacific Ocean and lament on the ebb and flow of life...Those waves reminded me of a quote from Rachel Carson...

“To stand at the edge of the sea, to sense the ebb and flow of the tides, to feel the breath of a mist moving over a great salt marsh, to watch the flight of shore birds that have swept up and down the surf lines of the continents for untold thousands of year, to see the running of the old eels and the young shad to the sea, is to have knowledge of things that are as nearly eternal as any earthly life can be.”
Without these moments of respite I'm not sure I would have seen and appreciated the butterfly bagel I had this morning...
How wonderful it is to have a group of girlfriends to help you through when you need a break! And what a wonderful picture you took this morning. There is art "hidden" everywhere in life, sometimes you just need to look around. Much luck with the book. Can't wait for it come out!
Hi MS Cartwright, Your latest Blog photos were , as usual, very well done . I especially loved the self-timed group picture. But I must admit you are scaring me with the bagel. I guess I just dont understand "Toaster Poster" art. >PEACE
I'm glad to know there are other people who do things like this. I have taken the same kind of photo now and then when I notice some intriging shape sitting on my plate.
You make want to be there at the seaside with all of you, though I had a great weekend creating with crafty friends here in St. Louis. I treasure such times.
Love this bagel! I think there is a great beauty in food, the more mundane, the better. Whenever I travel I always take pictures of the meals I order. My son went on his first trip to Europe this past May (age 19), armed with a new digital camera. It tickled me that he took pictures of every meal he ate. When he gets his own apartment, we're going to frame the pictures (gammon steak, steak and ale pie, fish and chips, etc.) and hang them in his kitchen.
Love the beach pics and the beach hats!
I just spent some time at my parents' home in Venice, Florida. To me There is nothing like walking the beach to clear the mind, calm the nerves, and get rid of the stress! The sand, the surf, the sea gulls and pelicans - to me, that's perfect "spa therapy!"
We have been painting the exterior of our house. Picking out a color was excrutiatingly difficult for me! Not sure I'm liking how it's going. How I wish I could have gotten the input of some of you "artsy" people!
Love the bagel!! And the picture of your and your Mah Jong pals is so lovely! Mmmmm. . .wine by the beach! You and Sarah deserve a lifetime supply of Cosmos for all you have done lately!!! Xo
That is very enchanting..you can actually feel the seaside..in so many ways.But,may i also offer an excerpt from T.F.Smailog's 'Endless Journey'...And then, dragged along by Pansie's little hand, and also impelled by a certain alacrity that rose with him in the morning, and lasted till his healthy rest at night, he bade farewell to his contemporary, and hastened on; while the latter, left behind, was somewhat irritated as he looked at the vigorous movement of the apothecary's legs.
But who won the Mah Jongg games? lol, just kidding. Given ArtJongg, we're waiting for an artistic AC-Jongg game combining AC Art and Mah Jongg!
oh dear angela!
what a lovely,comfortable,soothing sisterhood!add the seashore and a whimsically yummy bagel and there is need for no more!
p.s.the tag charm looks devine on you!may i use this photo on my blog?....i will crop to only you!
And the grape, not plump enough for a bunch, not pungent enough for the vintner's press, not sweet enough for jam, is dismissed to the ranks of raisins.
But to shine in its own deep light as papillon pigment by the hand and eye of ac.
Thank you, grape. And, thank you, Angela.
Dear angela,
you are so beautiful yet you are always dressed in black flowing clothes.
Go lighter, tighter and brighter.
I am disabled and would like to take up art. Your art intrigues me. They are like collages or do you actually write the beautiful writing and draw the pics and then put them together and photograph them. Can you explain to us a little about how you put your art together.
wishin' and hopin'
I did not win at Mah Jongg this day...but I was fine with that...
it really cleared my head...that sea air.
The bagel brought some interesting responses...and poetry...
a brief overview of the 4x4 panels is I collage with my photographs...and paint,paper,ink...write on them, write under them...tear, smudge and sand them...wherever the piece takes me. I go with the muse...
Try it...it's fun.
and ps denise...I SO love my tag...
Hello Angela!
I am from Argentina , happy birthday for yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!
I love The sound of music and I love youu .
I see the movie always!
Well, sorry , i don't espeak in english so much.. :(
My e-mail is: penta_domi_grama@hotmail.com
If you want, write me!!!!
Wishing you a very happy birthday, Angela!
From a long-time fan.
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