Friday, November 05, 2010

and the music plays on...

I can't tell you how many times we have lined up in this order over the last 45 years....we just kinda fall into our places...that's kinda funny really...
So...the celebration is not over yet...we are flying to New York for an appearance on the "Today Show" November catch us on that for more about The Sound of Music...the Blu Ray...and our upcoming book, which will be out next year. Thanks for all your questions...we hope to answer the things in this book that people have asked us over the years....

If you can't get enough of The Sound of Music Reunion...or you happened to miss Oprah  because of the date change, here below is the part with the 'kids'... sure makes you feel young when you're referred to as 'the kids". (Don't forget to pause my music box at the bottom of the page.)
And if you want to see more...just enter Oprah Sound of Music and its there on You Tube...


Dale Anne Potter said...

THANKS for posting that video link Angela. I missed the Oprah show.

James said...

Thank you so much , Ms Cartwright, for the wonderful video of the SOM special. It may be too late to ask a question. If not , I would like to know: If they were to ask you to once again film the SOM , today, would you agree to do it? Thank you for bringing so much joy into this world. I must say the world need it rather terribly.

ac said...

Sure James...if they thought I could pull off playing a 10 year old...

Lynn Mercurio said...

I have thoroughly enjoyed all the wonderful extras on the blue-ray that my husband brought home for me this week. The Sound of Music has always been a favorite of mine and reliving the same excitement and joy I felt as a child watching it has made me very happy! Thanks, Angela.

James said...

:o( ... Peter Pan is the only one to live in Never Land.
For none can turn his hourglass of sand.◊

Trudi said...

Hey Angela. Thanks for the news about The Today Show this coming week. Is it just the kids, or are Maria and the Captain joining you as well? Thanks!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Thanks for sharing this. I was feeling sorry for myself cause I missed the show!

Mystical_Lucie said...

Thanks for the info, I'll tune in for sure! Just wondering, with the blu ray that just came out and with your upcoming book next year, are you planning to create more jewelry and art pieces with your photos from Austria? I kind of missed out on those because by the time I found your website and Etsy store, most of those were gone.

I especially loved the photo of the gate by the lakes, as well as some of your other ones. I think you had one of the gazebo where Liesl sang? Thanks!

Candace said...

Oh Angela, Thank you so much for posting. I really wanted to see the Oprah show but couldn't. I was ten when I first saw the movie (original theater release) and it was pure magic! To this day, I ALWAYS cry when Captain Von Trapp hears the children singing for the first time and goes into the house. When his face lights up and he starts to sing....I'm a gonner. And btw, I am still in love with him. lol,

Lisa said...

Thanks for posting the Oprah episode. I had missed it! So fun to see all of you together there. xoxox

ed thomas said...

Hi Angela, when you leave for NYC don't forget to pack the Robot.

Lorena F. Pimentel said...

It's wonderful to know there's going to be more interviews. Is it going to be just the seven of you or will Julie Andrews and/or Christopher Plummer participate as well?
Either way, I'll be looking forward to it.

Holly said...

You looked radiant on the reunion show, Angela!

I'll be sure to be watching Wednesday's Today show.

My 22 yr. old daughter and her roommates at college have regular viewings of the SoM, just like me and my college roommates used to do. She called me after the reunion show aired on Oprah, all choked up, "Awww! Mom! OMG! You've GOT to see it."

I knew you'd have it. Thanks!

Isabel said...

I know this is hard to believe but i seroiusly did not know you where part of my fav movie of all time The Sound Of Music:O) I have been stopping by throughout the months and admiring your work and read the interview in Where Women Create but never knew, How awesome and just saw you on The Today show:O)Have an awesome day!:O)

Unknown said...

Hi Angela,

I watched the recent "Sound of Music" reunion on the Today Show. The cast was talking about a possible upcoming book of "Sound of Music" memorabilia. I have some significant "SOM" memorabilia that you all might be interested in including in such a book. Would love to discuss with someone involved. I can be reached at if interested. Love you all, as I have for all these years.


Maíra said...

Hi, Angela

About the SOM kids book, it will be tranlated for another languages? In Debbie Turner facebook page she said the book is nearly finished and it will be sale in october 2011. SOM brazilian fans will be crazy with that, even in english. Yesterday I read a Kym interview and became so sad to know how difficult her life is, until now, with her special son. Ask for your non-Trapps brothers and sister make a blog so interisting as your are. Then we could know a little bit more for you all!!!
