While decorating the abode I came across this little Teddy.

Does anyone remember the teddy bear school? Did anyone have one? I Loved it when I was a child and played with it for hours on end...It had one teacher teddy bear who had a desk and chalk board and 6 smaller student teddies all with their own little desks. I just found my teacher Teddy...but she has lost her arms. I don't have any of the student teddy's though...what a shame...Why don't they make toys like that anymore...?
He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree.
~Roy L. Smith
~Roy L. Smith
Angela! That is so sweet! I keep thinking I got to quit commenting so much.... cause I feel like a pest .... but I can't resist this one! I used to have a whole family of teddies... they would have all kinds of adventures! They would even have school too! Me and my younger brother used to play for hours! Then there was one doll sister to all the teddy bears! .... no Barbie here! At least not until after I was 13 years old!!!
I had never heard of the teddy bear school until now -- but I would have loved it! It's a shame your teacher bear has lost her arms -- that will make writing on the blackboard quite difficult for her.
In case I'm not back at your blog before Christmas, I hope you and your family have a lovely Christmas! There's a holiday wish over on my blog, meant for all those with whom I've connected even in a small way, through the internet -- if you care to drop by, the wish is there.
"Why don't they make toys like that anymore"?... Could be they wanted Teddy Bears with arms... I love your pics.. Merry Christmas!!
I'm so sad about the arms. :(
I had a Midge doll that I found packed away not long ago and I was so thrilled. But when I turned its head, it broke off! I had to glue it back on. It's just not the same.
My daughter had one of those! I think it was actually a school game where you answered questions. I use to have one of the small 'student' yellow teddies, but it is sadly lost. ~Best, Lou
Love your christmas toys!I collect teddy bears.I have quite a few english bears that I bought on my layovers.
I'm a little late to comment, but I just came across this post now. That teddy bear school set was made in the 1960's in Japan by a company called Shackman. Here's a link for one that's currently for sale:
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