I'm not sure I mentioned it or not but I have been trying to clean out some trunks and stuff I haven't looked at in years. Well I have come across a plethora of stuff, photos, clippings, articles. Items I haven't seen in years ...some of these photos I don't ever remember seeing (my Mom saved everything...hmmm that's where I get that from...). Oh the memories... So I thought I would post some of them on my blog, bit by bit as I uncover these things. Some of these pictures have never been seen before. Some of them are from my childhood and many are from my modeling years... What should I call these postings? I think I want to give it the same title every time I am going to post one of these finds. Any ideas? Angela's Attic? The Treasure Chest? Flashback? Write me your ideas...I want something clever... and then...as I find the time...I will scan them and post them so you can see them too.
So I am starting with this one...mainly because it seemed seasonally appropriate...
The cover of the Los Angeles Examiner TV Weekly with an article about the 2nd Chevrolet Special I did (replacing the Dinah Shore Hour). The show consisted only of kids...and it was called "Children Are People". The first special was called "Ghosts, Goblins and Kids". Rusty Hamer (pictured on the cover) was not in the specials...but he played my brother on the "Danny Thomas Show." How challenging it must have been to produce and direct 300 youngsters in this special. I remember parts of it like it was yesterday.

Speaking of challenges...this will be such a challenge for me, being the time of year it is and all I have on my plate right now...but I cannot resist... it is such a cool idea and I love a good challenge. The deadline is November 1st so you gotta hurry... but anyone can do it if you can make art.
Come on...join in...you know you want to...
The Art House Coop Sketchbook Project...
Happy Halloween...hope it's scary....