My new exhibit will be here before I know it. I have been working on the art day and night, night and day. Not only will there be my new art at Pergolina, I'll also be signing my book "In This Garden" and my original garden art that appears in the book will be on display. I will also be signing "Mixed Emulsions" my book on altered art techniques.
In addition I will be showing my ac studio 9 Fall/Winter collection.

I thought I would give you a sneak peek of just a few of the original photo.art I have mounted on canvas and wood...The show runs through October 31st so if you can't make it to the opening, you can drop by anytime. Pergolina is a cool place. If you live elsewhere I will be posting it up on my website once the show opens and I get some sleep...

Awesome stuff. Wish I could come. Parents weekend at UofA and my daughters birthday :) Good Luck.
Love it!!! Good luck and have fun!!!
Those are pretty plaids!
Not for the first time, I'm wishing I was in California!!! Ohhhhh, how I wish I could go to the opening, or to the show at some other time (or, more likely both, if I lived near enough!) As it is, as always, I'll just have to dream.
I absolutely love the pieces you shared with us in this post. With each one, I thought "Oh, that's my favorite", and then I'd scroll down to the next one. The pink with roses would be so lovely in my writing room, she said wistfully... Is that Kachina in the last one? That one made me say "Ohhhhh!" out loud.
Now I can take the time to look at the wearable art fall collection. (I've just bought a new sewing machine after not having one for a few years, and I'm already imagining exciting projects...)
I'll be thinking of you on the 3rd!
Hi Angela! I am sure the show will be a wonderful success...I wish I lived closer. I am in awe of your lovely photo art, the softness and painterly look to the images bring an amazing dreamlike feeling to them - so very beautiful! xo
Beautiful, beautiful photo art! Just stunning . . .
Oh Angela, I absolutely adore the dreamy colors in these photo pieces. I so wish I could take a walk inside those worlds.
Gerushia's New World
(Formerly Garden Painter Art)
Your art is so beautiful.I just love looking at it.I bought a copy of WHERE WOMEN CREATE and have really enjoyed it.Have a wonderful show.I know it will be a success!!
Hello: Angela, now, more than ever, I wish I had reason to be in California so I could attend your show! Your artwork is breathtaking and makes me wish I could "see the world through your eyes"! All the best.
Brigitta, my childhood dear. I've found no other way to contact you but through your [lovely] blog. I will inevitably sound like an annoying fan, but I'm asking -- no, I will beg -- that you please do me the honor of replying. It would be such a joy to hear/read about your experience doing The Sound of Music. My email address is sunbeam238@gmail.com.
I cross my fingers in hopes of your reply! Thanks for reading,
All of it's really beautiful - wish i could have been there!
CONGRATS! on your clothing line.
Your art work is fantastic.
Angela your work is amazing, and i just love browsing your site, you did a wonderful job!!
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