Today I made my way to the Felt Club. An event at the Shrine Auditorium featuring handmade items. I signed books at noon till 1:00 then made my way around looking at everything.

Here I am with
Stefanie Girard author of
Sweater Surgery: How to Make New Things from Old Sweaters and Lisa Sonora Beam who signed her book,
The Creative Entrepreneur: A DIY Visual Guidebook for Making Business Ideas Real from 1:00-2:00pm

My good friend Connie helped me out, and I just have to share with you her shadow inspired swag she made for me with my brand
new Shadow Stamps.

You can check each one out in detail by going to her blog
ArtSeat and see some of the other items she made with my
Shadow stamps.

I did want to share with you my new earrings that I bought at
The Weekend Store booth. Artist creator Adjowah Brodie was oh so very sweet to extend her 20% off your purchase by entering the coupon code
"thank you" when you shop at her site. The holidays are coming...check them out. I love my '9' earrings. Anyone know why I picked two 9's?

There were artists galore and everything from felt to tee shirts...lots to look at...It was a blast.
9/9-your birthday ;)
Wish I could have been at Felt Club today but I was teaching (and having fun doing it!! LOL!)
;) Glad to hear it was a good day!!!
Connie's banner is super cool! I may just have to buy myself an early Christmas gift and pick up some new rubber stamps. By any chance could those beautiful earrings have something to do with someones birthday? Hmmmmmmmmm.....
Glad to see the fires haven't slowed you down. As for why you picked the two nines, its your birthday!
Love from Frank
If I had to guess it would be your birthday......:)
I love your earrings and the swags Connie designed using your shadow people.You all are so creative and talented.
I wish I lived in Calif. I'd love to go to all these events that you go to. Speaking of birthdays, I just noticed you posted this blog on my birthday: Nov. 16. And the blog just before this one was on my mother's birthday: Nov. 12. :)
ok...you guys are just too smart...
with the double 9 thing...
The fires were not that close to where I was...but it was devastating, and I know someone who lost their house...so sad.
Finally the air is clearing and my eyes have stopped stinging.
Answer to your question. When I saw the picture of the earings the word "cat-o-nine tails" jumped into my mind. Could it be a veiled reference to the bondage-leather thing??.. Surely not!!!....hmmm..
Glad you and your family are safe and sound. It is too tragic about Bob & Judy. Thank god they weren't injured!
The earring is an interesting combination of red,green,and white.My first observation was correct - its a Santa-Christmas thing.Perhaps there is something sublime and para-intellectual to be interpreted from it....whoooooh.
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