Hot off the presses is the Summer 2008 issue of Somerset Gallery magazine in which appears a piece of my art I called "Unruly Girls Next Door." I used my MOO cards with my girls sketches on them. It was originally for an article I wrote on MOO cards when they had just hit the market and were hot miniature calling cards. MOOS are a terrific way to spread your site address around, the printing is nice and it's a unique business card for artists to hand out anywhere.
Sometimes I feel like I have a split personality. There is this serious, introspective art that I create when I get into this inner space. And then there is this fun, happy, art I create to kind of blow off steam and just make art in all it's unruliness....
Case in point...sketching. How I love the art of sketching. I have enjoyed bringing forth my unruly girls with their fashionista style...I always had an interest in fashion design since I was a little kid. But now I am wanting to sketch more...illustrate more, get better and better and take a pen and paper with me where ever I go to interpret my life around me. I have a lot to learn...but as with anything...practice makes perfect and I am itching to learn. So I created a blog called Sketching the Itch and I just launched it to inspire me to keep drawing and moving ahead with my desire to sketch, sketch, sketch! This site will be light on words and be a journal of my sketching. When I have the time I linger over other blogs and sites with wonderful sketches popping off the pages and I have decided to list as many sketch sites on this blog as I can so I would have them at my fingertips to check them often. So if you come across any cool sketch sites put them in a comment on the site and I will add them to the sidebar for all to see.
Don't forget that my Doodle Day doodle is up on EBAY to benefit Neurofibromatosis, Inc. 100% of the final sale price will support this deserving charity hosted by Gillian Anderson. This is an original sketch made by me especially for Doodle Day with ink and watercolors. Only hours left to bid...Good Luck.
It's hotter than blazes outside...nearly 100' today...what's with that...so it's a good time to kick back and make some art in my studio.
Fun link...How many of me? Click here to find out.
Ooo, I love that sketch of the girl. You have such a wonderful style. I'm in a sketching mood too. I'm drawing a portrait of my great niece feeding a squirrel. She's 4. My computer is in the shop so I hafta resort to art the old-fashioned way - pencil and paper. I can't work with pen and ink because I make too many mistakes. lol. I hafta have something to erase with. Wish I could to impressionistic art like you. It's a great way to unleash one's unruly self. :D
I am so happy you will continue your awesome sketches. Your Unruly series are fresh, fun, and have a great edge. I can't wait to see what you will come up with next. : D
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