I hope you will come out and see next Thursday at my
Book Signing at Barnes & Noble.
I'll be signing both "In This House" and "Mixed Emulsions" and
I hope you will come up to the 3rd floor to say hello.
January 10 7:30 pm
Barnes & Noble at the Grove at Farmers Market
Book Signing at Barnes & Noble.
I'll be signing both "In This House" and "Mixed Emulsions" and
I hope you will come up to the 3rd floor to say hello.
January 10 7:30 pm
Barnes & Noble at the Grove at Farmers Market
Maybe someday you will come to Michigan for a signing. We get Micheal Moore and Mitch Albom and Jeff Daniels-but maybe it's because they live here? Trade place with ya?? I hate winter.
I would LOVE to come say hello to you, unfortunatly I'm 3000 miles away and looking after my very sick Mom. Some day maybe...
Love from Frank
Hi Angela!
You probably already know about this, but while checking out MySpace to see if you had anything on it, I came accross a punk rock song called "I'm Saving Myself for Angela Cartwright". It was performed by someone named Scott Campbell.
It would seem even punk rockers know true gold when they see it.
Love from Frank
Is there any chance of you coming to the east coast for a signing?
Hi, Wish I could be there.I still hope to take one of your workshops someday.Take care.
I'm about a 1,000 miles away or I sure would.
Wish I were in southern Cal. I would love to meet you. Hope you can come out to St. Louis sometime.
I watched "Pioneers of Television" on PBS the other night. It was the installment on sitcoms. There was a scene from Make Room for Daddy where Danny Thomas was chasing you around the living room sofa. You were tiny --just adorable!
Hi Angela,
So nice to meet you. I found you through Sandra Evertson's blog.
I had no idea you were an artist.
I love learning new things about people. I am an artist too.
I hope your book signing goes really well. How exciting.
I have enjoyed reading and looking at your blog. Visit my blog sometime.
will you ever be coming to the Columbus OH area???
also I gave Pasticcio and you and Sarah a big shout out on my blog yesterday.
I love your art, it is so lovely. I wish I was close enough to get a signature, but DC will host you in a heartbeat! Congrats on the publishing, signing and your being recognized... as you should be!
Hi Angela!
I hope the book signing went well. Wish I could have been there to meet you!
Love from Frank
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