60 Years! My parents have been married for 60 years...so the 3 Cartwright kids, Veronica, Chris and myself, hopped in the car on Thursday and drove to celebrate the occasion. It was blast. Despite the fact it was dreadfully hot in Las Vegas, we were grateful for good air conditioning. We may not have won at Bingo or the slots, but we went to the pub, had tons of laughs and celebrated the event that took place 60 years ago... My parents are as cute today as they were 60 years ago...and we are grateful that their bond has lasted so many years....without it...we three would not be here...
I got so frustrated yesterday. I was feeling completely defeated by the PDF monster. Sarah Fishburn and I are creating a Zine...leave it to us to do things outside the box and create a size that only the PDF file Gods can create. So I finally threw my hands up in disgust as my eyes were getting blurred by the enslave of information for cyber wizards. I embrace self teaching myself website codes and designing zines...but this was more than my brain could accept.But back to my frustration...So I decided to go outside and water...and visit my potager garden that has mini green tomatoes growing and doing their ripening thing...how cute are they?
and I checked out all the spring flowering that was taking place...
and I spread a few seeds so my yellow flowers keep blooming...and I heard the birds nesting in my bougainvillea...and I filled up my fountain with water and listened to it for awhile...
...and then... I got totally entranced by my shadow...
(what was I a Peter Pan reincarnate?)...
so I shut off the hose, grabbed my trusty digital and shot away.
I was so enamored with the shadow playing on the greenery I even went to the front of the house to see what my shadow would do there. I must say the sun totally put my id in a different space.
My shadow looked so tall I felt I could conquer anything...
So when you get down and frustrated...go watch your shadow...you may find as I did...shadowy thoughts can be totally entertaining.
To live will be an awfully big adventure! Sir James Berrie, author of Peter Pan
PS. FYI my brother Chris (computer wiz) came to my rescue and life is good...
I have dubbed myself the unruly artist! I flip flop back and forth between life's real moments and my realm. I have been making lots of art lately...but mostly for publication so I don't feel I can post it here...yet. So here are some short and sweet textured pages I made for a small journal, as my blog was in desperate need of some art. The weather has been fantastic on the west coast, but I have not had much time to venture outside. Trying to mark off this long list of things to get done which is as long as my arm...with deadlines to observe. I did get out last week to go to the theater to see the movie "Mr. Brooks". I really loved it...it was so c r e e p y...it made me jump out of my seat several times...ok, so it's not for everyone...but I loved Kevin Costner in it. I love when an actor gets to be an actor and plays a role against their type. (Also known as type casting - a true frustration in the world of show biz.) Dane Cook's career I have followed since he first began. He's a funny guy...makes me laugh...though not in this movie. Good job Dane!
In my art I'm working on hiding things...within the layers, peeling away, submerging myself..I'm gearing up for my exhibit in September which will be here before I know it. I can't help but find myself piling life on...like a well worn jacket. Life is short...and I love keeping busy. I'm trying to get a jump on things so I can fly out of town for a couple of days next week for a much needed break...see how unruly I am?...