The Queen is painted high up near the roof...The Queens of Hollywood...only in LA!

So what were we doing at the Beverly Theatre? Last night we were all invited to Quintin Tarentino's Grindhouse Festival 2007. Why? Because my ex Brother-In-Law Richard Compton wrote and directed two of Quintin's favorite pics for the festival "Macon County Line" and "Return To Macon County Line". These flicks were two of Richy's first movies he directed in what has become a long line of credits..."Return to Macon County Line" starred two, then unknown actors, Don Johnson and Nick Nolte. They had great chemistry together, and watching this movie was totally entertaining. I'm so glad Richy invited us.

Hope the Easter Bunny is good to you all...
This made me laugh SO hard ---
I love it --- and it's amazing but it was probably done with fewer stencils than you would think.
The Queens are grand, too.
happy easter, angela!!!! thought for a moment you were seeing GRINDHOUSE, quentin's actual film, then i read the blog. :) how were your ex brother in law's films? were they two separate, or two in one?
I had a wonderful day with my boys, so the Easter Bunny certainly was good to me. Your arbor looks beautiful. I hope you had a wonderful day.
Them eggs aint real, :-p. Sure is a nice arbor setup though. And boy it just burns me up that a movie star can have such a nice family and good taste. Repent now yee'all winners.
I have to let you know that I sat through TSOM for three nights in a row...you have a legion of fans on South Crescent Drive.
Yeah, I can dig it :)
Cool stencils Angela!
Made me think of Banksy.
I bet it's kind of crazy (and fun ) being so connected and yet you grow up with these people just being your family and friends . I liked the stencils too , especially the old woman. And I love your secret garden with the buddah , it looks really pretty. It's fun.
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