I can't say I have gotten a lot of sleep the last couple of days. I have been working 18 hour days with Sarah Fishburn, friend, artist and co-author. Sarah and I are writing a book together and with our publishers deadlines nipping at our heels, Sarah took the weekend out from her road trip to stay with me at my home and put in some serious worktime. Here's a picture of us just before she hit the road again today with her daughter and grandchildren heading up to San Francisco for the last leg of her trip. We're tired but satisfied with the amount of work we got done despite a few hiccups we encountered. We did enjoy being in the same workspace together (instead of our usual email flurries) and got especially giggly and silly at 1:30 am this morning...
I can't say anything else about the book at this point...but you'll hear about it on the blog as soon as I'm told I can get the word out. I will say it's coming together very nicely and it's cool to see this dream that started well over a year ago finally blooming into reality.
I'm going to try and take it easy tomorrow...catch up on some sleep, putter in the garden and maybe watch a movie or two. Got to replenish myself so I can begin working again after the holiday weekend...

Wishing you all a safe and peaceful time this July 4th, whatever you do...
Looking forward to your new art book Angela!...
It sounds like it will be darling (oops, a misplaced reference by me more appropriate for an earlier AC work)...
It sounds like it will become one of my favorite things (oops, not the right reference by me again)...
It sounds like it will be out of this world (oops, also not appropriate this time!)...
It sounds like it will be artastic! (That's it!)
Happy Fourth of July!
Best Wishes on your book, Angela. Love, Amanda
Best Wishes on your book, Angela. Love, Amanda
Angela, You and Sarah do such beautiful, unique work! This will most assuredly be amazing! Can't wait!
That is a great pic of the two of you! I'm always amazed at how well some people photograph! I'm not one of them, by any means.
It will be great to see your efforts come to fruition. Looking forward to this team endeavor in print.
I can't wait!!!!!!!
Hi Angela,
I think your work is great. I was so surprised to see you were the "Make Room For Daddy" girl I used to watch when I was a little girl.
Congratulations on the upcoming book. Can't wait to see it.
Have a great summer!
I have such clever blog readers...thanks for the encouraging wishes...
Congratulations on your new book with Sarah Fishburn. I'm a fan of her work also. this should be great! Can't wait!
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