The ARTbar in Santa Ana was bustling last night...Downstairs artists were submitting their work for possible publication in Somerset Magazine. Lots of Stampington & Company people were on hand for the Live Jury Art Recruitment and Seminar.
Upstairs, Traci Bautista, Linda Woods, Karen Dinino and I were signing our goods.

Traci was signing her just released book
'Collage Unleashed'...It showcases the most popular trends in collage, altered art and journaling...I just picked it up a few days ago and will enjoy exploring it's colorful and creative pages. Traci was so gracious and interesting to talk to...

Linda Woods and Karen Dinino, authors of
'Visual Chronicles' were also there. It was fun to meet and talk with them. I Love their 'I AM ART' t-shirts.
I enjoyed talking with everyone who dropped by and was happy to hear artists enjoy using
my Artist Papers and Transparencies in their artwork. I also had a visit from Jolene, (an AC blogger)...Anita who works at Stampington & Company and is always so sweet to me when I come to visit, and Jeff...who took these pictures so I could put them on my blog...

The ARTbar has grown to include a bigger store upstairs with the workshops taught downstairs. Wish it was closer to where I live...but it is definitely worth a drive out to Santa Ana now and then for a visit.
So it was an artful outing for one and all...and a fun evening!