I knew it would happen sooner or later...Peyton knew it...I knew it...I've been tagged...thanks Celine
In my fridge:
Paul Newman's Lemonade
assorted veggies...cucumber & fresh roma tomatoes
empanadas from Trader Joes (I love Trader Joe)
In my closet:
my Crocs (my newest favorite footwear...I love how I can wear them to water the garden and not ruin my shoes)
A few new tee shirts with my art photography on them...I cut off the neck, sleeve and bottom bands, and I think they are cool all cotton tee shirts...
my leather coat....never get tired of it
assorted knitted scarves
my English chocolate flake stash for menopausal moments
In my purse:
my cellphone, newly charged
my ipod - with new music downloaded from 'Ashes & Snow' Soundtrack
my wallet with pictures of my family
Smith's rosebud salve for the softest lips ever
Udderly SMOOth handcreme in the tube...saves me from dry skin...the best
In my car:
licorice Altoids
"The Mermaid Chair" ...just finished reading it
water bottles
mapquest directions to the Riverside Art Museum
my lomo camera - (super sampler Black edition)
I tag...
Very revealing!! lol, I missed your "In my closet" subheader and I thought I was reading that you kept your footwear in the fridge! Now wouldn't that be cool! ;-)
- - - -
In my fridge:
-Nonfat lowcal blueberry yogurt...yum.
-Some apples.
-Bottled water.
In my closet:
-A few new CoolMax fabric t-shirts for exercising...but I need more motivation than the shirts!
-Overflow of book collection including books (with photos) about The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Doors, The Who, etc. Ouch, does that date me??
In my wallet:
-ATM cash to treat my co-workers to a special lunch out, and to buy a fare-well cake for a departing employee.
In my car:
-More bottled water.
-Music CD: Angela Cartwright, Darlene Carr & Company singing in the 40th Anniversary Edition of The Sound of Music Soundtrack!
Ahoy there!.. This is my first visit to this realm (i love the artwork, esp the colours),but this game of internet tag is new to me! Is this a "chick" thing? Anyway...Trader Joe rules!!! signed,the Cap'n.
In My CLoset:
-Nothing new
-Darkroom overflow
In My Fridge:
-Sam's stawberry water
-The usual fruit and veggies
In My Wallet:
-Photos of Colby (my shing star) and Kate (my sweet angel baby)
-Too many credit cards
In My Purse:
-Love my new Ipod
-Book "Art & Fear". It's like my bible
-cell phone
-my "survival" junk (all those girlie necessities)
- Ice Breakers
_ Train tickets to Seattle, (I'm such a baby).
In My Car-
-Fisheye Lomo ,you've got to try this one.
-Lot's of luggage, leaving today
-Way too much camera gear(you never know)
-Not enough clothes (need room for the impotant stuff, see above)
-Knitting and project bag(gotta finish my son's wedding gifts before I get to Seattle)
Thank you for the tag - how fun I will get on with my next post!
I have never been to Trader Joe's - it looks like they are not in Colorado. What a bummer!! I will have to keep in mind the next time we travel!
I love the lomo super sampler - My favorite vacation camera!! The black edition - too cool! Ugh mine is just the blue one - they did not have a black one when I bought mine!
What a beautiful doggie! :)
You raised my curiousity regarding the Croc's...and now I see them on everyone when I am out for my morning walk to the beach!
My fridge overfloweth with Trader Joe's products! Not sure if you have Mother's Market in your 'hood..it's one of those health food stores you become quickly addicted to as well! Similar to Whole Foods but smaller.
~corona del mar, california
I really have to thank you for this. I followed the Crocs link you provided and fell in love with the colors. After I read more about them, I decided I had to try a pair (I have a variety of foot issues, so I'm always on the lookout for good shoes.) Well, Crocs are the best! This (bright yellow) pair is one of the most comfortable that I own, and I plan to get more in a rainbow of colors. Thank you SO much for posting that link. You really have helped me improve my life.
Wow...glad you discovered CROCS and how incredibly comfortable they are...
Bummer Colorado doesn't have Trader Joe's...but CROCS come from Boulder so that state can't be all bad :)
I don't think 'tagging' is a 'chick' thing...just a take a few moments to think about what is real in your life thing...
I have a Fisheye LOMO... dig it big time...
Gotta go water my garden now...in my Crocs of course...and my dog is a darling...she's looking at me right now saying "Go water...I want to chew on the hose..."
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