When I put the kettle on this morning...a very loud bird serenaded me from the garden… I looked out the window to find the troubadour...
Peyton couldn’t believe her ears and stood entranced by the melody…
It was a sign I guess…
Spring is really here…with a side order of summer…
I think it’s going to be over 90’today…
Lovely picture Angela.
I was also drinking my favorite English Breakfast tea and watching the day come alive through my window this morning. I love spring and all the growth it brings to our surroundings....vibrant colors and green, green, green.
What a beautiful picture. I didn't realize it was an art piece until I noticed the paper in the upper righthand corner.
What a pretty picture and lovely colors. I didn't realize it was an artpiece until I noticed the paper in the upper right corner.
I think it became spring and summer today when Elisabeth Von Trapp asked if I wanted to go to Salzburg. :) Beautiful picture, Angela.
-Amanda Brooks
I love pictures of windows overlooking gardens. One simple pleasure of mine is to take a few minutes to stand with a cup of tea in hand and stare out the window at my trees, flowers, and garden.
90* is certainly a bit different from our temps. in Ohio today. My students had outdoor field day events, and the temps. didn't go above 50*! Spring has been taking a while to reach Ohio this year. Can't wait for it's arrival!
Pattisl, where in Ohio are you from? I'm in Los Angeles, but my roots are in Columbus, Ohio.
-Amanda Brooks
I am a buckeye also, due south of Columbus on the Ohio river. Spring has sprung here but has been a bit chilly. Yet, the colors and lushness of the foliage has been breathtaking. Today, under blue skies and abundant sunshine, we planted old fashioned english roses; can't wait until they bloom.
I really love the colors in that window pic, Angela.
Amanda-I have lived in Toledo, Ohio for the past 20 years, and I previously lived in northeast Ohio in the Youngstown area (about 50 miles east of Cleveland). One of my two daughters is now a pre-vet student in Columbus at OSU, so I get there periodically to visit/shop.
I went to Ohio State University for 2 years. Today, in sunny California, it is now, as of 11:15 pm, raining cats and dogs. :)
-Amanda Brooks
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