I had such Easter finery when I was young. The lace, the petticoat, the matching handbag and easter bonnet. I think I'm about 5 or 6 here, definetly looking forward to the Easter egg hunt that is sure to follow.
sigh...I really had the Easter spirit in those days.
Last week, I decided at the last minute, I would fly to Denver,Colorado, rent a car and drive to Fort Collins. It was actually raining when I arrived at the massive Denver airport, and I took the shuttle to the rental cars engulfed in snow flurries. After renting my red car, my brother (who used to live in Colorado) had told me to head for the mountains...only problem was, I couldn't see them...but I survived, and headed to Fort Collins only to find the sun coming out once I reached Longmont. The sun continued to stay out for the rest of my visit. I wanted to visit Fort Collins so I could take Celine Navarro's class that she was teaching at 'Timeless Creations'. I also wanted to meet my email pals Sarah Fishburn and Tiffini Electra X. Sarah and I have some projects we have been working on, and I really wanted to meet her in person. It was like we had known each other for years. It was fun to meet Tiffini also. She had created some of her fabulous bottlecap jewelry with my photographs for my exhibit, and she had done such a terrific job.
Here's me with Sarah, Tiffini and Celine 

'Timeless Creations' is a terrific store. Christi has it stocked with tons of art supplies and the lastest in altered art...so I was in heaven. I had a great four days, playing with paint, exchanging tips and ideas and being warmly accepted into Sarah's wonderful family. While carving stamps into erasers in Sarah's kitchen, Celine was watching 'The Sound of Music' in the other room. She had never seen it before so I bought her the DVD, the one that has us speaking in French as well as English, so she could take it home to her family in France. We had a blast.
I have a list as long as my arm of things I need to get done. So amid deadlines for this and that...I am helping my sister Veronica move to a new home, and trying to find time to make some art. Veronica is on 'CSI' on the 28th of April...she plays a mother-in-law from hell. I can't wait to see it...hope you'll tune in too.
Wishing you all a happy Spring and Easter.