I had jury duty this week and I took the Metro down to Civic Center. It made it so easy to get off the train and walk to courthouse. I'm sorry to say I had never riden the LA Metro before...never really had a reason to. It was fast, clean and efficent.(That's me in the train window on my way downtown)

There is cool art all around you. It's filled with painted tiles and artsy walls.

After I was excused from the case they had assigned me to, I took the train home again. It was nice not to hassle with parking garages and rush hour traffic on the freeway.It's something to look into if you visit Los Angeles and want to see the sites. It's a great way for LA residents to cut down on stress if the trains are going where you need to be. Give it a try sometime.

How interesting - in my country (The Netherlands) they don't have jury duty, so that's something I only know from TV and the movies.
Also, I liked reading about your experiences with the Metro. I lived in Amsterdam, Vienna & London and always took the underground there, but when I visited LA a couple of years ago, a local told me I'd better not take the Metro, since it wouldn't be safe. So it's good to know that for my next visit, I can make use of it.
Anyway, thanks for another update! I love reading your blog!
How great that you made something fun and artistic out of a day that everyone dreads. Jury duty. :(
So did you get off the case because you're an actress? :)
-Amanda Brooks
No, they let me go because I have a friend who's a police officer.
I have avoided L.A. for years since moving to the O.C. - due to my fear of freeways (actually burn-out more than fear). After seeing your photographs of the tile's I would love to experience it firsthand. I love the Latino and African American influenced artwork I see in the tiles you posted. Hmm, I wonder how far inland I would need to drive to catch the Metro..I live in Corona del Mar - if you are familiar with my area-or can offer any info I would appreciate it.
I believe the train goes near Corona Del Mar. When I had my exhibit at San Juan Capistrano Mission my assistant took the train a couple of times to San Juan. She quite enjoyed it and got plenty of work done instead of dealing with the traffic. I believe the subway starts closer to Los Angeles...check out this link for more information: http://www.metrolinktrains.com/
Is the Metro a subway system or above ground train? I've never been to LA. Out here in my part of the midwest we don't have subways and trains, just busses.
Ingrid - you've been in interesting places! My husband was stationed in The Netherlands back in the early 70's when he was in the Air Force. He has beautiful slides of his time there. Someday I hope to go there with him and see the beauty for myself!
Angela, have you ever had jury duty before? I have never gotten called for it.
Geesch, why didn't I think of using Google to find info on the Metro! You had better things to do...like...ART!DUH. I realized that right AFTER I posted. Senior moment..so sorry. Thank you so much for giving me the link to..er...the link :-) It looks like I can catch it in Irvine! This is too cool.
The Metro is both...above ground light rail and a subway when you get closer to the heart of LA. It also travels to the San Fernando Valley and then continues to reach the outskirts of the valley with buses.
This was my first jury duty. I was born in England and became a citizen of the US two years ago.
Great. The moment you become a US citizen, they zap you for Jury Duty. :) What made you wait so long? Do you have dual, both England and US? Now you can vote and all that exciting stuff. Congrats!!!!! -Amanda Brooks
Pattisl, we have some pretty interesting places here in The Netherlands. You really should go and see our capital Amsterdam some time, I'm really in love with that city. It might come across as bit shabby in some places, but the canals and old houses are beautiful. Be sure to visit the house of Anne Frank (where she wrote her diary) and some of our art museums, like the Van Gogh museum.
Also, we have some great other places to visit. Our country might be very small, but we have some nice things to offer!
I also bet Angela could take some beautiful photos there!
Angela, you're braver then me! Being from Boston, I'll take an East Coast train (or the "T" as they call it in Boston) ANY time. Out here...nuh uh...too scary! I figure LA being Earthquake central that we shouldn't have an underground train system LOL!!
You ARE a brave woman! ;)
The Netherlands is definetly on my list of places to visit...and you can be assured I will have my camera with me. :)
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