It was great to be with my 'Sound of Music' family again celebrating our 40th Anniversary of making the film. We were sent to NYC to celebrate the newly released DVD of the movie with additional footage.


Whenever I see my movie 'brothers and sisters we have many fond memories and many laughs..
Here we are appearing on 'Good Morning America'to announce the release of the new DVD with bonus features.

This photo was taken when we gathered to film our recollections that appear on the DVD. Sometimes it seems like only yesterday we shot the film.
Hi, Angela, you and Heather Menzies have always been my fave of the film. Your pictures are brilliant and beautiful. Love, Amanda Brooks
Hi Angela!
I love your blog! I wrote to you saying how wonderful this film is (but I don't know if you've gotten it yet). Anyway, Brigitta is my favorite character, and be sure to keep on posting on SOM stuff!
Thank you for being a part of such a wonderful film. It's always great to hear from you and your other "siblings"! For anyone who is interested in reading more about Angela: she has a fanclub and they publish the terrific newsletter "The Cartwright Muse", that will tell you more about Angela and what she's up to.
This is so nice to learn about the cast members of my old favorite movie! Back when SOM first came out I was completely obsessed with it! I loved the singing, the scenery, the kids,and the innocence of the movie! I saw it a few times that first year (back in the days before VCRs) and then each year when it would be released I would cart off friends to see it with me again. My cousins and I would act out the roles when we visited each other.
At the time that the movie came out, I was just moving out of state with my family and starting a new school. Being shy, it was hard to make friends right away - so I immersed myself listening to music in my room. My Sound of Music album was my favorite. I knew the lyrics (and most of the lines from the show) by heart.
I never realized how much of a following the movie had until recently. (I always kind of thought it was my "special movie." ) I hear more and more people talk about their love of that movie. It certainly did have a big impact on many people!
Thank you for giving us these updates on the cast members. It is nice to hear that you are all so close in real life.
In spite of my love for the movie, when my children were little they never wanted to watch it. They were born into a different time, I guess. Does anyone else out there have the same experience with your children (or is it just that mine have bad taste?) I didn't bother to sit and watch it with them because they would ruin it for me with their negative comments! Did anyone else experience that?
PLease keep up the updates on your get togethers with the rest of the cast. It is so nice to hear what these "friends from afar" are doing today. Greetings to you all!
From Elisabeth Von Trapp-For SOM fans
good morning Amanda,
great news ... !
This August I'll be traveling to Salzburg, Austria where I'll be performing several concerts with an American youth orchestra.
Would you like to come ? Can you help me get the word out to all SOM fans? I figured that if anyone can get the word out it would be you ... !!
We depart on Tuesday, August 1, 2006 and return on Thursday August 10, 2006.
This is sure to be a once in a life time experience. There still a few spots left and we'd like to extend the invitation to all SOM fans.
If you know of anyone who would like to come along as a non-performing friend of the orchestra, have them contact the orchestra directly at
Yin Chu Jou
Friendship Ambassadors Foundation
299 Greenwich Ave
Greenwich, CT 06830
Tel 203-542-0652
Cell 646-287-0378
We'll be doing several songs from the SOM as well as a piece, One Heart, One Mind, that I've written in tribute to my family, The Trapp Family Singers. This will be the first time that I will perform with an orchestra in Austria and the first time that the tribute piece will be performed by an orchestra. what better place than Salzburg ... !
As part of the tour, when not performing, I'll be conducting private walking tours of the city, the cafes, the Cathedral, the short cuts thru the back streets. We'll be exploring the movie sites as well as a few behind the scene peeks at the settings for the movie.
All the best,
here's a short piece describing the trip and visit to Salzburg
During their stay in Salzburg, Elisabeth will utilize her intimate knowledge of the city to make it possible for the group to enjoy many features of Salzburg that most visitors never experience.
Her intimate familiarity with Austria, its language and culture comes from growing up in a German speaking home surrounded by the language, cooking, decorating and music. Over the years she has spent wonderful times in Salzburg; first as a young child attending the local elementary school and celebrating the holidays with her maternal grandmother. Later, she returned to study music and the art of Austrian dress design at an Austrian folk craft school near the city of Salzburg.
Over the years Elisabeth has bused, walked, hiked and ridden her bike along almost every road, path and alleyway in Salzburg. She has attended concerts and services in the Cathedral and surrounding churches. She’s shopped for clothing , shoes, bread, cheese and chocolates and knows where to get the best beer, Griesknockerl Suppe, Apfel Strudel and Kaffee mit Schlag.
Von Trapp Music
POB 827
Waitsfield, VT
tel 802-496-3171
e mail
thought you might enjoy this-the original 1959 broadway kids who were
the von trapps. you can see similarities with the 1965 brigitta and louisa, angela and heather.
the girl who plays louisa looks a lot like heather, doesn't she?
-amanda brooks
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